You are a special dumb muthafcka, aren't you. You act like the most whiny female I've ever known, always react to chit w/o reading thoroughly what anyone said. First off, you dumb fck, I said he is the type of kid you would WANT to RS so he could hone his skills. When or where in thee FCK did I write off this kid? If you go to my original post, u dumb mutha fcka, I said we need this kid b/c it creates COMP (and since your COMPrehesion skills is equivalent to a dead *****, COMP was short for COMPETITION) and needed depth.
Why would u or any logical fan want a true freshman, who BARELY played DB in school want to be thrust in to action against D1 P5 talent? If he proves himself and takes over a starting position or 2 deep rotation, fine....if he's RS to build more knowledge and size, fine; regardless it was a good pick up, and being RS has nothing to do w/ being written off. We need to get to the point of being able to RS freshmen talent, anyways.....but who am I kidding Pee3000, all you do is get triggered like an abused wife anytime someone says anything you perceive as negative about the program. It's your M.O.