Isaac Teslaa

I read 4.55 online somewhere.
If he's a lazer timed 4.7 and can be counted on to consistently catch the ball, then we need him and we need him badly.

He could step in as our #2 WR immediately. If George will get his head screwed on straight and spend the appropriate time outside of Canes practices to make himself better, he can be our #1 and the same can be said of our Clemson 5 * transfer.

For argument's sake, George as the #1 WR, Teslaa as #2 and Restrepo as our starting slot. If we can get a solid O system in place and with TVD regaining his stride, that could be a formidable passing game. Especially when you toss in our stud TE's.
This young man has incredible hands.

That first one-handed, diving catch on that post was sick. He also caught one behind the defenders back, while the defender was hugging him and tackling him to the ground.

Seems to be a good route runner, and though not a blazer, seems to have just enough giddy up to his game.

At 6’4” and 210 pounds, with those attributes, I think that he’s a take.
A highlight tape of a receiver having 30 face catches tells me he doesn't really create much separation through his route running
I was expecting a slow kid that ran bad routes. He runs good routes and got separation but a number of the passes were into double coverage OR underthrown. We didn't have a single kid that required safety help. Not saying this is the GUY but if we run four verts, it doesn't hurt to have a kid like this that can catch most of the contested balls and break tackles. Not much different than Colbie IMO.