Is this the best chance we have?

A few things and please relax. My point is that the term of the lease isn't the important part here, the buyout (which we don't know) is what governs. The buyout can end the arrangement TODAY.

My other point is that the school needs to start getting something together because the current situation is terrible. We prayed (not me but the people with decision making power) for renovations to fix the game day experience and it did not go through (shocker). Failure on the school to do so, failure on the AD to have this as the solution to fixing the problems.

I am done with south florida fans, if they show up...they show up. If only 45K show up consistently then build a 45K stadium and call it a day. If a team with a stadium leaves town and the asset comes available, look into purchasing it at a discount and renovating.

I'm calm, I just cant see anything happening in the near future, besides minor renovations done by dolphins ownership. We don't have the deep pockets as a school, and the city wont fund another project like this.

I might be easy to please, but I have a **** good time every game whether we win or lose. they just played a national championship game and a superbowl in this stadium but its somehow not enuff?? Just WIN

I remember as a young pup having to be in our seats 2 and a half hours early for a noon kickoff in 95 degree florida heat for a big game (they ran out of ****in water at a game), weve come a long **** way.

Not for nothin, but one of my favorite memories at the FSU Shockey game was entering the OB about an hour before kickoff and there was such a clogged mass of humanity pouring in through the gates that FSU and Canes fans alike got stuck in the tunnel, and the cheering, shouting joust that ensued lasted an hour and nearly damaged my ears permanently the way the sound rattled around in there! LOL. You talk about facking hot. My shirt was soaked before I got to my seat in section C/B. What a day. What a game.

A dome would make it loud as ****, and the A/C ....well, somehow I would somehow learn to cope in the new, pussified environment. ;)

I never claimed to have any of that information starting with my first post, which is why i asked!!!

All I stated was that we were currently in a 25 year deal. which we are. No one knows any of the details of the contract, so its stupid to speculate either way. The contract is not public records, and very little details have come out about it.

That's not what you said at all. You said, "It's not gonna happen. We're locked into a deal right for 25 years...". How do you know "it's not gonna happen"? You claim here that it's "stupiid to speculate either way," yet that's exactly what you did when you came in here pounding your chest talking down to everyone claiming "it's not gonna happen".

How do you know how "locked into the 25 year lease" that we are if you don't know any details of the lease? Seems Consigliere got prickly with you over your condescending blowhard approach when, in actuality, you know no more than anyone else regarding if it can happen or what the terms of the 25 year lease are.
I never claimed to have any of that information starting with my first post, which is why i asked!!!

All I stated was that we were currently in a 25 year deal. which we are. No one knows any of the details of the contract, so its stupid to speculate either way. The contract is not public records, and very little details have come out about it.

That's not what you said at all. You said, "It's not gonna happen. We're locked into a deal right for 25 years...". How do you know "it's not gonna happen"? You claim here that it's "stupiid to speculate either way," yet that's exactly what you did when you came in here pounding your chest talking down to everyone claiming "it's not gonna happen".

How do you know how "locked into the 25 year lease" that we are if you don't know any details of the lease? Seems Consigliere got prickly with you over your condescending blowhard approach when, in actuality, you know no more than anyone else regarding if it can happen or what the terms of the 25 year lease are.

Leases and contracts are broken everyday...especially in a city with South/Central American style business ethics like Miami. This will happen.
I do not understand why their was no foresight to build a mixed use facility where Marlins Park stands and bring the Hurricanes back home? Especially when you take into account the public funding, the history of the site, and the lackluster attendance track record of the Loria owned Marlins. Why could two birds not have been killed with one stone, or would it have become even more of a disaster then it already is? I just think if you are going to build it, why not do it so it can maximize its profit potential and suit the Marlins, the Canes, Soccer, concerts, etc.? I know common sense is not at play in discussions involving stadium building and public financing but come on, despite the bad economic timing of the proposal, you still had to pursue all avenues to make this place as profitable and self sustaining as it could be, while also making those same tax payers who voted to pay for it, happy with the final product. Dammit.

it's because loria knew exactly what he was doing when he built the facility. he essentially monopolized it because the sight lines for anything but baseball are absolutely horrid. great sell to the mlb, but ****-poor to anyone else.

Right, I get that Loria is a total douche-bag, but my thing is what leverage did he really have to dictate how it would be designed and all its uses, when he was essentially depending on public financing to get it built? Was the threat of him moving an undersold/mismanaged product really all he had and we still bit?
Neither am I, but just for discussion sake let's say the biggest part of the renovation ticket is the structural cost for seating on the outfield side, and the lesser cost is the seating subtraction to accommodate length. Say, 50 million? That's appears to be a very doable number for DS to produce, no? Dome to boot. I'm in.

As a fan, it's a great idea to take it over. But as a business you you have to think this through. 50 million would just be construction. To consider this kind of project (40k+ stadium) you have to think about long-term operating costs, etc. in addition to buildout costs. What is the school going to do off season? What about maintenance and up-keep? What about staffing costs (full-time/part-time). Parking management? Vendor management? 3rd party management contract? What about politics and stakholder management? It's expensive and not a core business of an University. Better to lease one than own one. The responsibilities and costs increase significantly with ownership.

Then why did a small school like Tulane build one? This is just like anything else, you own then you have to pay maintenance, upkeep, insurance etc.

Since this is a business, you failed to mention the following (PRETTY MAJOR) the increase in revenues.

There are naming rights....CHA CHING

There are off season events....CHA CHING

There will be no more splitting of the gate....CHA CHING

The issue I have with this is that it seems that getting a stadium is a lot of HARD WORK and very TIME CONSUMING, neither of which can't be overcome with proper planning and drive.

Didn't know this was going to turn into a debate, but here it goes.

There are naming rights....CHA CHING
- Probably not. If you expect donor funds, the naming rights goes to the donor. See Tulane's case (since you mentioned it).

There are off season events....CHA CHING
- Who is managing this? If this was so easy, olympic stadiums would be making money instead of crumbling around the world.

There will be no more splitting of the gate....CHA CHING
- Yes, but it would be years before you can make the money to cover the cost of buildout and operations.

BTW, I am an alum of both Miami and Tulane. The info on Tulane stadium that makes it different from Miami's situation are:

1. Land - Tulane already has the on-campus land and most of the 55 million construction cost (Still wondering why they are doing it...ego-maniac president wants legacy).
2. Location - New Orleans is in a rebuilding mode. Much easier to get through the political process to get anything done (try that with Coral Gables/Miami)
3. Tulane stadium is small and not state-of-the-art. 30,000 including standing room (Marlin Park - c'mon, it has a retractable roof. Maintenance anyone?)
4. Shared use - Tulane stadium replaces the practice field and has built-in conference space for school use (Drive over to Marlin Park for a meeting?)
5. Tulane had a stadium on-campus for many years (site of the old sugar bowl), memory of it still runs strong with some locals (check the donor list).

The bottom line is the situation for Tulane is different. No one will know for sure what the cost for UM would be in the long-run unless you do a detailed feasibility analysis (which includes monetary and non-monetary considerations). I am pretty sure the school has done one (internal or contracted) and the case is not there. That's why the statements made by the school has been very consistent on this issue.

Good stuff....almost went to Tulane for undergrad.

I hear ya, just an FYI the school owns a bunch of land too that is undeveloped by the zoo.

Also, I am assuming we could purchase the Marlins land/Stadium from XYZ since there will be no major use for it.

Since this would be the schools asset I am sure a committee could be in charge of renting it out for events, shows etc. Unlike Olympic stuff, this would be a major asset for our school and would require people to run it year round.

Sure naming rights would go to donors and that is fine but there is sponsors (Official Beer of Hurricane's Field) and other ways that could generate revenue that are associated with control.

My big issues with this stuff is that our AD and Admin don't have the drive or desire to really get this done. I think it would take an opportunity to buy an already made product (Marlins Stadium) and alter it.

I hear ya. Hopefully Marlin Park falls into UM's lap and the Canes get to use for practically nothing. :)

As for Tulane, when I got there for grad school I couldn't believe how similar the student populations were - lots of folks from the NE. :)
I never claimed to have any of that information starting with my first post, which is why i asked!!!

All I stated was that we were currently in a 25 year deal. which we are. No one knows any of the details of the contract, so its stupid to speculate either way. The contract is not public records, and very little details have come out about it.

That's not what you said at all. You said, "It's not gonna happen. We're locked into a deal right for 25 years...". How do you know "it's not gonna happen"? You claim here that it's "stupiid to speculate either way," yet that's exactly what you did when you came in here pounding your chest talking down to everyone claiming "it's not gonna happen".

How do you know how "locked into the 25 year lease" that we are if you don't know any details of the lease? Seems Consigliere got prickly with you over your condescending blowhard approach when, in actuality, you know no more than anyone else regarding if it can happen or what the terms of the 25 year lease are.

Maybe I was too absolute, its not likely to happen, is that better?? What evidence does anyone have that this is even being considered by anyone at UM?? Its a pipe dream. Do teams often move to 3 different stadiums in a span of 10 years?? Are we naive enough to believe there is not at least a multi-million dollar buyout for a 25 year contract where 100's of millions will be made??

This **** is getting old, every other week theres another thread on here talking about building a stadium or moving over here. Whats the point? Who besides the message board fans and some people in the "media" are even talking about this?? I never have a problem admitting when I'm wrong, so show me where anyone on our end is speaking on this?? We just built a new multi-million dollar state of the art facility. Where is this money going to come from?

The city wont fund anything, and I dont blame them.

We've already had the weekly our defense sucks thread, the swasey sucks thread, and the its all randy's fault thread. All we're missing is the new Green Helmets thread.

People find any reason now to say, well this is y we should build and on campus stadium, or we need to move back to a now rainbow colored baseball park?? wtf??
I never claimed to have any of that information starting with my first post, which is why i asked!!!

All I stated was that we were currently in a 25 year deal. which we are. No one knows any of the details of the contract, so its stupid to speculate either way. The contract is not public records, and very little details have come out about it.

That's not what you said at all. You said, "It's not gonna happen. We're locked into a deal right for 25 years...". How do you know "it's not gonna happen"? You claim here that it's "stupiid to speculate either way," yet that's exactly what you did when you came in here pounding your chest talking down to everyone claiming "it's not gonna happen".

How do you know how "locked into the 25 year lease" that we are if you don't know any details of the lease? Seems Consigliere got prickly with you over your condescending blowhard approach when, in actuality, you know no more than anyone else regarding if it can happen or what the terms of the 25 year lease are.

Maybe I was too absolute, its not likely to happen, is that better?? What evidence does anyone have that this is even being considered by anyone at UM?? Its a pipe dream. Do teams often move to 3 different stadiums in a span of 10 years?? Are we naive enough to believe there is not at least a multi-million dollar buyout for a 25 year contract where 100's of millions will be made??

This **** is getting old, every other week theres another thread on here talking about building a stadium or moving over here. Whats the point? Who besides the message board fans and some people in the "media" are even talking about this?? I never have a problem admitting when I'm wrong, so show me where anyone on our end is speaking on this?? We just built a new multi-million dollar state of the art facility. Where is this money going to come from?

The city wont fund anything, and I dont blame them.

We've already had the weekly our defense sucks thread, the swasey sucks thread, and the its all randy's fault thread. All we're missing is the new Green Helmets thread.

People find any reason now to say, well this is y we should build and on campus stadium, or we need to move back to a now rainbow colored baseball park?? wtf??

Might be time to log off, brother. Seems like you don't like any sort of discussion that's likely to occur on here.
I'm just curious. What was the attendance at the OB from 89-93. The reason I ask for those date is because I was there. We won 2 Nat championships but I recall many games that were EMPTY in the OB. I just post this in juxtaposition to the "If we win they will come" argument. In my experience, granted 20 yrs old, Miami fans come out for the big games. Period.
I love how some bag on the fan draw during the season, then act like we deserve a new stadium. People will show up to the big games, but lets be honest, those noon games against Duke will never draw ****.
Marlins stadium will be converted for major league soccer before anyone even thinks football. I'm not getting my hopes up.
Magic City Casino property or Tropical Park... Two very promising locations. COM would agree to lease deals on those two properties that would allow for high school football games to be played there and other potential off-season uses i.e. concerts, truck shows, etc. UM would need to fund the construction of the stadium - approximately $200M.
The fall-out from the dolphins stadium renovation deal was important... There are certain people with local government that desire a UM stadium.