Is Carson Beck and Hanna Cavinder over?


Dude is making an absurd amount of money to live in Miami and be the starting QB here. I don't think he's losing much sleep over this.
Simping is strong in most men. Don’t be so sure. But you are correct. He should be spinning plates which means move on. No big deal.
True question is did he come to Miami for football or to follow her?

Is he high value or beta blue? Guess we find out soon.
He’s got a pocket full of money living in Miami… won’t be hard to find some pretty thing to entertain him lol
Another in a long line of creepy threads on this board.
Honestly, like, they aren't even TMZ reporters. They're wannabe TMZ reporters.

You're not a parasite, you're trying really hard to be one. That's almost worse.
Dudes in Miami with NiL an Lambos an chit fuxk that girl ball out this year an #1 pick an there qill be plenty girls smh
I am legit upset. I thought this would be the talking point for the season like Cam "Incarnate" Ward being a zero star was. I guess we'll just have to pan over to Mike IrvinG 87 times a game.