
Paper City mag lol. Wtf. That’s all Google could get you ?

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Do you consider the Ol Coach / HC having a huge hand in the running game and adding to it as meddling? Because I do. Mario is a former OL and wants an identity, that’s just facts. Dawson the last two weeks is a drastic difference. If you choose to be blind to that it’s on you. We saw a good bit of the same stuff as Gattis ran mid season.
No question that Dawson the past two weeks is a huge difference. I attribute or had attributed that to TVD finally getting healthy with today being the most healthy he has been since the beginning of the season. I'm absolutely certain that Mario/Mirabal meddle or "have input" into the run game but my question to you would be if in your opinion the difference in Dawson the last two weeks has been more that TVD's health?
Watch the video and you tell me if Dawson’s run game looks the same in that video or different than what we see here. It's a simple question...I'll be waiting
I’ve watched his run game and it wasn’t anything to write home about I’m talking more third and shorts. And the predictability which is a staple of a former ol Coach wanting to move people rather than beating the defense horizontally. Using motion, shifting then maybe a play action. The same thing happened last year with Gattis. That wasn’t Dawsons MO elsewhere.. Which has been my biggest complaint. We’re talking two different things. Mario wants an identity and has flat out said Dawson will have to adapt .
Idk I just feel like tvd needs so much time back there to process things a the oline won't be as good next year. Feel like I'm ready for someone fresh but also curious to see how he might do with a 2nd year in the system because he hasn't gotten that here yet. Idk
Do you consider the Ol Coach / HC having a huge hand in the running game and adding to it as meddling? Because I do. Mario is a former OL and wants an identity, that’s just facts. Dawson the last two weeks is a drastic difference. If you choose to be blind to that it’s on you. We saw a good bit of the same stuff as Gattis ran mid season.
Have to disagree on this. That's kind of the job description. You work under that coach/ceo/owner architect. You don't think Nick Saban "meddled" in the offense this year? They run/pass ratio was almost 2:1. Any offensive game planning goes through Saban, and he ok'd it or made modifications. As should be with any HC.

Now If you are not fond of the conservative intervention, validate argument. Say you dont trust his offensive judgment, valid argumet too. To say he is not suppose have input on the gameplanning is just crazy to me. Especially when TVD was giving away the ball like he was Oprah Winfrey.
I’ve watched his run game and it wasn’t anything to write home about I’m talking more third and shorts. And the predictability which is a staple of a former ol Coach wanting to move people rather than beating the defense horizontally. Using motion, shifting then maybe a play action. The same thing happened last year with Gattis. That wasn’t Dawsons MO elsewhere.. Which has been my biggest complaint. We’re talking two different things. Mario wants an identity and has flat out said Dawson will have to adapt .
I’ve watched his run game and it wasn’t anything to write home about I’m talking more third and shorts. And the predictability which is a staple of a former ol Coach wanting to move people rather than beating the defense horizontally. Using motion, shifting then maybe a play action. The same thing happened last year with Gattis. That wasn’t Dawsons MO elsewhere.. Which has been my biggest complaint. We’re talking two different things. Mario wants an identity and has flat out said Dawson will have to adapt .
Yea but I didn't see that type of creativity from Dawson at Houston so I wasn't expecting it here unfortunately. He used a little bit more motion but even when he did it was still a predictable run up the middle. But at the end of the day I blame Mario for not saying to Dawson about it. You can want to move people and still be creative in doing so.
Funny in Dawson 1 season at Kentucky his quarterback threw for a whopping 14 interceptions...seems odd no 🤔

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So what are you arguing ? Dawson sucks ? Because I can agree he’s been bad for weeks but who hired him? I can pull up much more ammo of Madio’s offenses being predictable , lacking creativity and run heavy going back to Oregon. I’ve ripped both but Mario has flat out said Dawson will adapt and have to work with Mirabal / rb coach. Mario wants an identity and the play calling in short yardage makes it beyond obvious. Once again i‘m not sure where you’re coming from. My gripe has been the same for weeks. The coaches have been bad. Mario down . But there’s been a trend following Mario offenses for years now.
He also brought in Walker Howard from LSU. Bama went and added a backup qb as well. You could’ve sold a younger qb at challenging Tvd then having a good chance to start the year after he leaves. That actually goes On. Instead he rode with two qb’s that weren’t ready and one was a true Fr.
- ASU brought in Drew Pyne to challenge Rashada and Bourget
- Bama brought in Buchner to challenge Milroe and Simpson
- Oklahoma St brought in Alec Bowman to challenge Gundy's son and Rangel
- Brohm took Brady Allen from Purdue to challenge Jack Plummer
- Auburn brought in Payton Thorne to challenge Ashford and others
- TCU took Chance Nolan from Oregon St to give Chandler Morris some healthy competition
- Missouri took in Jake Garcia to battle Cook and Horn.

Probably some more examples I'm forgetting.
So what are you arguing ? Dawson sucks ? Because I can agree he’s been bad for weeks but who hired him? I can pull up much more ammo of Madio’s offenses being predictable , lacking creativity and run heavy going back to Oregon. I’ve ripped both but Mario has flat out said Dawson will adapt and have to work with Mirabal / rb coach. Mario wants an identity and the play calling in short yardage makes it beyond obvious. Once again im
not sure where you’re coming from. My gripe has been the same for weeks. The coaches have been bad. Mario down . There’s been a trend following Mario offenses for years now.
I bet you can but I can go look at Joe Moorehead, Marcus Arroyo, Josh Gattis and Dawson's offenses without Mario and they don't look that much different from when Mario was their boss. I'm arguing Mario isn't meddling and holding poor Shannon Dawson back.
If it were only a leg injury. He had ligament damage in his index finger , a back / rib injury and a leg injury. Even with all that I said theres no excuse with some of his decisions. Fact is people have found something to rip the guy about even when he was playing well. Remember “ he throws to X too much”. As I’ve said the truth is always in the middle and the blame should be spread around. It was much more than the qb , no matter how much the coach defenders hate to hear it.
Unfortunately, “playing well” is playing against man defense and poor teams. But you can’t have a QB that can only perform vs man D and poor teams. If your QB is awful against decent teams and zone D then what good is he? All his injuries combined does not make you throw directly at the other color jerseys or force it to X into triple coverage.

God only knows why Dawson and Mario could not do more to help him and Williams. Both were very, very poor here. But the very fact they had to adjust the O just to give TVD a chance at just being decent just proves the point that he is awful and should not be out there.

You cannot defend and give Dorsey a pass and then blame two different OCs for TVD. It’s always an excuse with this guy.

How about he is just a poor QB.
- ASU brought in Drew Pyne to challenge Rashada and Bourget
- Bama brought in Buchner to challenge Milroe and Simpson
- Oklahoma St brought in Alec Bowman to challenge Gundy's son and Rangel
- Brohm took Brady Allen from Purdue to challenge Jack Plummer
- Auburn brought in Payton Thorne to challenge Ashford and others
- TCU took Chance Nolan from Oregon St to give Chandler Morris some healthy competition
- Missouri took in Jake Garcia to battle Cook and Horn.

Probably some more examples I'm forgetting.
Still not good enough , It’s voodoo to bring in backups and it’s borderline impossible. Only that savant Lane can cast spells on qb’s in the portal. Moar excuses lol.
Lane is always the exception not the rule. Try that here I bet it wouldn’t work. Plus he was trying to replace the Qb who ended up being the starter anyway again the year prior. Wasn’t like he was established
What about these?

ASU brought in Drew Pyne to challenge Rashada and Bourget
- Bama brought in Buchner to challenge Milroe and Simpson
- Oklahoma St brought in Alec Bowman to challenge Gundy's son and Rangel
- Brohm took Brady Allen from Purdue to challenge Jack Plummer
- Auburn brought in Payton Thorne to challenge Ashford and others
- TCU took Chance Nolan from Oregon St to give Chandler Morris some healthy competition
- Missouri took in Jake Garcia to battle Cook and Horn.
****, so Mario really was meddling. His *** gotta stop that **** for real.
Seems he only meddles in games that the qb gives the ball away like old people handing out samples at Costco. The games that doesn’t happen apparently aren’t the Mario meddle games weird how he picks and chooses the games to meddle in.
Y’all fall for this bull**** if you want TVD has shown us who he really is injuries aside… Missing out on #16 Horton sums up his up and down play here. I think he’s best suited getting a fresh start somewhere else 🥴
Seems he only meddles in games that the qb gives the ball away like old people handing out samples at Costco. The games that doesn’t happen apparently aren’t the Mario meddle games weird how he picks and chooses the games to meddle in.
You said it. I thought was that odd too. Does he meddle on even number games? Or is it only the middle of the season games?

What's the criteria for the meddle?Does he only meddles at 3:30 games? Night games?
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