Golden is a good guy. Golden is a positive guy. Golden is a good recruiter.
Golden is not an X's and O's guru
Golden is not a good gameday coach
Golden has not been good at player developement
Now ask yourself, out of the three pro's and con's, which do you prefer our coach to have?
IMO, case closed.
Golden is not an X's and O's guru- Disagree. Golden know's X's & O's just fine. In fact he could probably step in for any position coach, off. coord./def. coord./spec. teams and do admirably. I've watched/read several of his coaching clinics (offensive gameplanning/scheme, etc)....dude knows what he wants to get done. He's not just a "program manager" that lets his coordinators do what they want. He's been taught and mentored by some of the most innovative minds in the business.
Now if it's his off. & def. philosophy you disagree with, then that might be up for grabs.
Golden is not a good game day coach- Overused term. He is a great game manager. Usually has his timeouts left at the end of half/game? Again, if it's his off./def. philosophy you disagree with....fine.
Golden has not been good at player development- Wrong. He's done an outstanding job at player development. Just ask NFL execs. His players are undoubtedly ready for the next level. ****.....he even transformed many of Randy's players into NFL caliber. He developed numbers of NFL players @ TEMPLE. That is just an incorrect statement and actually I think it's one of his strengths.
I do have one legitimate concern. Golden consistently preaches discipline (turnovers, penalties, etc.), however, something isn't hitting home. We are extremely sloppy with the ball and I'm one to blame coaching when turnovers are involved. You either coach it or allow it to happen. It needs to change.