Except that the cloud didn't prevent us from recruiting well at other positions. Funny how the cloud only seems to have hovered over DT and QB.
Golden got in late, is there more than a couple of players left from his first class, most of them sucked that's why they're all gone. Should have fired Shannon right after the season's recruiting the year before. Shannon sucked at recruiting too, left us empty. How many players are still here from the second recruiting class? We got a handful of real good players, one great one in Duke, not one other player has shown greatness so far, one very good LBer. No D lineman wanted to come here, without real good ones we lose, doesn't matter if the rest of the team is filled with all Americans. No QB or top players wanted in, it's changing now, the great players are starting to come again. We recruited well at other positions? I say BS on that!
Any of the good ones were only second year players going against other teams seniors, come on now. This years team is better, besides QB and D line is not proven yet. We had no depth at all the past few years, this year it got better. You were expecting to win with bad players, not going to happen. It's changing now, we will get better, next year should be a 10 win season, this season is a tossup which way it goes. Get good QB and D line play and we could win 9 or 10, let's see how it plays out. We should be back within 2 years, ready to compete with anyone, still need some D linemen.