HS coaching talent moving to ATL

Not sure if any of the OH guys will see this but I think Coaches here are paid small stipend to go along with their day job

I think you and some of your friends should start a rumor (true or not) that Michigan pays HS coaches a lot more than Ohio does.

And I'm almost completely serious about that. Because that is probably the only way that things would change in Ohio.
Hurricanes and wildfires. FLA and CA have and will continue to have the highest home insurance costs in the country by a wide margin. And both states are forced to provide secondary insurance thru the state, which means in both states, the taxpayers who do not live in areas subject to hurricanes and wildfires (does such a place exist in FLA?) are being forced to pay for insurance for homeowners who continue to live in areas prone to natural disasters. This will not end well, IMO.

Hurricanes and forest fires have a way of making insurance companies skittish.
California is gonna be a big problem.
I don’t know how Home value and taxes get assessed in that state. But here in Florida if your home gets completely destroyed and they build a new one, you’re gonna get assessed a tax value on a brand new construction in your area as opposed to the original Homestead exception that you kept from the original price of the home or the assessed value of the county. Brand new construction usually gets a big increase in value. And that means that in California, not only are your insurance rates gonna go higher because you live in a forest fire area, it’s gonna go higher because now the value of your home likely increased in price dramatically. Those people are gonna get screwed eight ways till Sunday unless they’re part of the very wealthy which not all of them are.
You’re gonna have to add to the fact that the codes and red tape and the Citi that’s that left leaning is going to be ridiculous. Constructing a brand new home in that area is gonna take about three years. We also have to factor in the areas that have above ground power lines are gonna have to have the companies go in there and basically rewire the entire grid.
Top paid hs coaches in ga


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I have 2 friends that are HCs in Georgia making 125k and 115k a year.

No teaching, no additional school system employment, just football. One gets a new Toyota Tundra provided/donated from a local car dealer every 2 years in July/August when the next year model rolls out.

And their staff budgets would align with a powerhouse D2 or even some FCS programs.

Insane. He’s turned down position coach jobs at FBS programs just because it’s so much more low stress and no recruiting responsibilities.
Is he a DC?

Does he like SoFL?
There was an article in the mullet wrapper here in Jax a few years ago talking about this. At that time, there was around 40 head coaches in GA making north of 100k.
For years, well-run booster clubs, top-end facilities and healthy coaching stipends were a South Georgia thing. That model eventually took hold in metro Atlanta about 20 years ago. Growth on outskirts of Atlanta has resulted in opening of more mega-sized HS and accompanying football craze.
Not really surprised by this. I remember Gogeta and Coach Macho talking about this exact topic on one of the threading posts (I don't remember which). Never knew about this before they brought it up
I have 2 friends that are HCs in Georgia making 125k and 115k a year.

No teaching, no additional school system employment, just football. One gets a new Toyota Tundra provided/donated from a local car dealer every 2 years in July/August when the next year model rolls out.

And their staff budgets would align with a powerhouse D2 or even some FCS programs.

Insane. He’s turned down position coach jobs at FBS programs just because it’s so much more low stress and no recruiting responsibilities.

Jess Simpson was pulling in 175Kish before he came to Miami when he was at Buford almost 10 years ago. Im also pretty sure the Carrolton coach around 225K