I don't know what the answer is, but I'm not buying these stories about how all the top players wanted to come to Miami but al screwed it up. I don't doubt that al could have screwed it up, but these guys were never interested in Miami. Maybe it's money, or just that they grew up with us sucking, but the top kids aren't taking Miami seriously. Things look better with Richt, but we still aren't viewed as being as serious as bama and osu.
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Coker, Shannon, and Golden were all bad game-day coaches who couldn't motivate a stripper to get naked, among their other particularized failings. Kids don't want to play for bad coaches. But Golden was a particularly big fail. Look at 2013 and 2015 in particular: respectively, you had only five of 18 and eight of 22 signees from the Tri-County area. He'd get all these top recruits early on (at least partially as a hedge against getting fired) and then they'd commit elsewhere because of his ineptitude on Saturdays.
Don't lecture me about how bad al sucked, I remember vividly.
It's not personal, just calling it as I see it. You're not wrong with respect to this generation of kids not knowing firsthand how great we were in our prime, but the fact remains that we've been in decline and Golden poured gas on the fire.
Can't argue that al wasn't a huge contribute to where we are today, I just think people are over doing it. It's easy to blame al for everything, but it looks more and more like money is the issue from where I'm standing. We don't seem to be getting the crazy recruiting bump that say fsu got when they switched coaches. All the feedback from HS coaches and players is possitive, I think people really like and respect Richt and the staff and we all see the work they're putting in. But we don't seem to be flipping the kind of kids al couldn't touch or getting interest from the top 100 of so recruits, and I have to wonder why. I'm not saying our class won't be pretty good, and god knows we can cruise the coastal and compete for the ACC on what we've got, but at some point we have to start getting more 4* and some of the 5* kids if we want another NC. And I wonder if that can be done without a serious bag game.
I need to put things in perspective [MENTION=6001]kryptonite[/MENTION]...you're my guy, but I want you to follow your boy really quick:
-FSU recruiting bump: Jimbo took over a program coached by a legendary coach, who won two national titles. Even though that last National Title came in 1999, FSU was still winning the mediocre ACC Atlantic (at that time) and was limping into BCS bowl games. Jimbo could also flash a National Title Ring from his days at LSU. Plain and simple, Jimbo took over a team that was still deemed relevant in many arenas, even winning a bowl game w/ a weak 7-6 record before he took the helm.
-Miami: Richt is taking over a program that just got off of full restrictions and have been in the dumps for 13 years. He's also coming behind two horrid coaches. One coach who refused to recruit ALL So Fla, and the other coach who not only did a poor job in recruiting So Fla, in general, but had us 0-5 against our arch rival and had us blown the F out of the water on national TV. Furthermore, what has Richt
truly accomplished? Sure he's won 70% of this games, but he's only been to 3 bowl games of significance in his 15 year career and has no hardware to show.
Richt also has his work cut out for him. At UGA, there was no competition to recruit top talent from the GA, so do we "really" know how good of a recruiter he is? Now, he has to recruit against FSU, UF, OSU, Clemson, and Bama...all who are either winning their division or in the playoffs. So, yes, building relationship w/ coaches is great, but So. Fla recruits are all about what have you done for me lately.
We're going to lose the pay-off battle, so the only counter action would be winning on the field, and often. I had some reservations about Richt; w/ the crap he's inherited, you need a
strong personality, eye for talent, and that mouth piece to turn it around. That's why I wanted Herman or Butch. The whole soft spoken, Christian-man theme, may not cut it here. I think our class winds up being solid, but not elite. I predicted this anyway, b/c we kept Golden one year too late. Unless we had hired a proven coach w/ hardware, it was going to be an uphill battle with both the 16 and 17 classes. However, he has a real shot for the 18 class, but only if the on-the-field product matches our talent. If it doesn't, if we don't win AT LEAST the Coastal next year, look for class of 18 to be shoddy as well.