How do you watch the game?

At home. Decked out in canes gear including shoes. I eat and drink before and after the game. During, I'm not to be disturbed, and those not wanting to hear my screams are to leave the house or invest in headphones.

Usually at home, cant go out in public screaming and yelling and then crying all in one quarter...... I get to attend the next three home games though, first time in years I get to get down there, only 4 hour trip. Work schedule finally changed to include weekends off!
in my house that i share with 8 other dudes in Ann Arbor.

i always get the tv for the games. they know the deal.
If you aren't at the stadium (and judging from the TV most of you aren't), how do you like to watch Cane games?

If it's a big matchup, I generally kick my wife/kids out of the house for the few hours. That has happened less the last few years as my expectations have plummeted, but I still like to watch critical games by myself. Obviously I'm not surrounded by Cane fans here in bumpkin-*** Texas, so sports bars generally aren't the best place for Miami games.

When I was younger, I would record (on VHS) every game, go back and watch it over and over throughout the week.... watching the subtleties, watching individual players throughout the course of the game, trying to understand scheme/intent, etc. Now, with 2 young kids, I'm lucky just to get to watch it once, and I have a much less technical eye.... .I just watch the game dumb and try to enjoy without focusing too much on the finer points.

Just curious - what about the rest of you?

I used to watch them at Buffalo wild wings. In fact in 2006 I think the Canes went 0-5 when I watched them at BWW! Bad thing was, was they played at like 3:30 est game and we got Regional coverage that year what seemed like every game. I lived in Missouri and had to watch it there every game.

I remember watching the Louisville game there when Miami got the **** kicked out of them, and there was one other couple watching that game (usually I'm the only one that cares). Every time Louisville got a tackle or a positive yard that lady cheered and it drove me insane. I wanted to kick the **** out of them both.

Now I just watch the game on the sofa in my basement by myself if I can. The wife understands now and doesn't send the kids down there because I may not be the most positive influence during a Canes game.
I usually watch at home by myself. I'm currently building a new house and the biggest part that I added was a huge back porch with an outdoor kitchen, built in grill and kegerator and a builit in bar with barstools. I'm going to mount a flat screen above the outdoor kitchen and that will be the new place I watch all the games. It will be like my own personal sports bar with out all of the douchebags and retards.
Since I cut cable out this past Feb I don't watch at home unless it's on ESPN3. I go to a friends house of my moms to watch it. I get zero **** about watching the game. Everyone in my family knows I do not miss a Canes game. My wife and her mom both know that they are to watch the kids while I watch the game. Sometimes I drink, sometimes I don't. It doesn't help or hurt anymore if I do during the game.
At home, watching on the big screen t.v., decked out in 'Canes gear with my 8 y.o. son who's becoming a huge fan (I'm raising him right!) also decked out in 'Canes gear. I try to watch the language since he's there, but other than that, he screams and cheers just as much as I do. My wife, on the other hand, typically disappears to another part of the house.
Home games with my dad mom and was my sister but I disowned her once she applied and decided to attend FSU (very dark time in our house). Away games at my parents on the big screen usually madre makes something special like ribs or something and it is mandatory that I run out side every commercial break and take at least one if not 2 bong rips before game comes back on.
At home, by myself.
Try to dress to match the Canes (subsitute black pants for the green or orange, and missing my green Canes shirt).
Usually pace or snack on something (peanuts work well) to calm the nervousness and anxiety.

Same here pretty much.

I will let the kid stay around me until we either: A. start losing B. he starts talking about things not related to the game.

I cant watch Miami games around other people but I love to watch other football games around other people.
I live in Texas and usually watch the games alone. However, this weekend I have my annoying business partner in town...biggest douche ever. My wife went to ND and our son (by her first marriage), who happens to be a stud pee wee football player wants to go there in the worst way. Last laugh is on them, though. I'm planning on telling everyone before the start of the game that she and I are getting divorced and that I've been banning my biz partner's wife the last year. Should be interesting. Never liked that little brat wanting to go to ND.
at home, alone periodically calling my dad to celebrate or despair.

with the computer on, of course.
Vegas, 25ft screen

If you aren't at the stadium (and judging from the TV most of you aren't), how do you like to watch Cane games?

If it's a big matchup, I generally kick my wife/kids out of the house for the few hours. That has happened less the last few years as my expectations have plummeted, but I still like to watch critical games by myself. Obviously I'm not surrounded by Cane fans here in bumpkin-*** Texas, so sports bars generally aren't the best place for Miami games.

When I was younger, I would record (on VHS) every game, go back and watch it over and over throughout the week.... watching the subtleties, watching individual players throughout the course of the game, trying to understand scheme/intent, etc. Now, with 2 young kids, I'm lucky just to get to watch it once, and I have a much less technical eye.... .I just watch the game dumb and try to enjoy without focusing too much on the finer points.

Just curious - what about the rest of you?

That was me in the stands this past Saturday.
At home, in front of any of the TV's but as soon as the Canes start losing or my spouse comes into the same room to watch..... I switch rooms/TV's.

I'm a wreck during games and have to watch this weeks game out, at a sports's going to SUCK to stay quite (and calm) in a crowd. If any Domers are there it could get UGLY.
I go to every home game, away I'm at my house with my family around, 15+ all Canes. Two rules no BS'ing during the game, wanna talk about where you're going later…go outside. I only eat after the game, I need a big glass of ice water by my side and I don't sit, but don't sit in my spot just in case.
Also don't even think about bringing someone who's not a Cane…I don't care WHO they are!
Have season tickets. For the away games, it is very difficult to watch a game with people that aren't die hard fans. I tend to watch it with a friend or two or sometimes even by myself. I just can't do sports bars for big games.