Hey NCAA, why don't you just give it up and let Miami go

Heres the problem, the NCAA is between a rock and a hard place on this one. While settling with us for what we have already imposed is probably the best move, by doing that they would open themselves up to possible lawsuits from USC (in addition to McNairs suit), Penn St (in addition to the state of PA), OSU, UCF, etc. To try and save themselves from multiple lawsuits and further embarrassment, i expect that they will still try and go after us to some degree. If the sanctions are much more than a loss of a few scholarships in addition to what we have already self imposed, I suspect we try and file suit over it based on the fact they have admitted that part of their investigation has been corrupted. Since they have admitted that much, it shouldnt be too difficult to argue that most if not all of their investigation is also tainted. The truth is that neither side wants a long and drawn out lawsuit, so what I suspect is that they wont settle, but will "carry out the investigation" to the end and then when we go in front of the Infractions Committee, hand down sanctions that will include what we have already self imposed, plus another minor penalty. Going that route allows them to say that they punished us beyond what we already self imposed and that they didnt settle, and since we would have at least gone through the whole process, should save them from any possible litigation that would have could have been brought by them settling with us outright.
