He's In!!!

They're going to be a scary sight in pass rush. My only question is how good are our DE's in rush defense? Are guys like Hill pure pass rush specialists or can they help contain the run as well.

He's on the lighter side and in the game they played against FSU last year, he got caught inside (not keeping contain like our DEs ALWAYS do) on a run play.

After that, he found the ball and was able to run with (I think it was Cam Akers) for about 40-50 yards even though he didn't make the tackle.
This kid will start and will get single blocked with Garvin on the other side. Good luck!! He’s going to eat!!!
Over / under on 8 sacks?
I say over

Was thinking the exact same. The OL’s we face are going to have to double one of them or keep a TE or RB back to help block. That’s going to work into Baker’s blitz packages nicely 😝
Anyone got what this says?

He has been admitted to UM but the NCAA hasn't cleared him yet. Apparently they received his transcript late and they have had the paperwork - grades and test scores - for a bit. That's the holdup. Huff and his mom are very frustrated. Going to meet with UM today to see what he can do while he waits for final clearance. Also make sure his enrollment, etc is all in order. Day to day situation - just waiting for NCAA stamp.

There was a little concern the holdup was the homeschooling as well as two other schools but his test scores and all required classwork is in order.

Sounds like bureaucratic red tape...
Anyone got what this says?

The thing is that now the NCAA is flagging and investigating kids that attend 3 or more schools in high school. Huff was homeschooled and attended 2 high schools. The NCAA is overlooking his case but everyone believes he gets in eventually.