He's In!!!

So yesterday here at BAF i met the chief of staff who's an army O-6 and a VT grad. So of course we got to talking about college football and Trevon Hill is mentioned. He starts to go on a tangent about what a sh**ty person he is, how he got into it with coaches and even claims that he mocked one of the coaches son's who is autistic. A lot of it sounded like bitterness to me, especially mocking the child with autism thing since i haven't heard of that anywhere else (he claims Fuente kept that info from getting out). I hope T.Hill94 feasts on his former team.
So yesterday here at BAF i met the chief of staff who's an army O-6 and a VT grad. So of course we got to talking about college football and Trevon Hill is mentioned. He starts to go on a tangent about what a sh**ty person he is, how he got into it with coaches and even claims that he mocked one of the coaches son's who is autistic. A lot of it sounded like bitterness to me, especially mocking the child with autism thing since i haven't heard of that anywhere else (he claims Fuente kept that info from getting out). I hope T.Hill94 feasts on his former team.

Lol well most full bird colonels are ****wads and brainwashed anyway. I should know, I was an NCO in the 82D and we hated our colonel. 😂😂😂 thats that rah rah murica super army soldier talk.
Hope Savage feasts. And then you and Colonel ****wad can talk about how he demoralized his former team.
Lol well most full bird colonels are ****wads and brainwashed anyway. I should know, I was an NCO in the 82D and we hated our colonel. 😂😂😂 thats that rah rah murica super army soldier talk.
Hope Savage feasts. And then you and Colonel ****wad can talk about how he demoralized his former team.

I laughed out loud at "colonel ****wad"
My man, no need to apologize. You know how we do here. Nobody is immune. Not myself, not anybody. All in good fun.

OCCC has taught me more about posting in forums and how to react and how not to react then any person I know during some of the most intense EPIC battles in CIS history no doubt the MODS here can concur the road the envelope of disaster OCCC gave no quarter and took no quarter.
Let me tell you ALL HERE if you ever need someone in a fox hole in intense battle and things aren't going well OCCC is the one you want to defend your flank he will HOLD at all cost.

This is the best compliment I can give someone.

Lol well most full bird colonels are ****wads and brainwashed anyway. I should know, I was an NCO in the 82D and we hated our colonel. 😂😂😂 thats that rah rah murica super army soldier talk.
Hope Savage feasts. And then you and Colonel ****wad can talk about how he demoralized his former team.
Lol just one in a long line of full birds who have a constant stick up their asses because they realize they will never get that star on their shoulders.
This kid will start and will get single blocked with Garvin on the other side. Good luck!! He’s going to eat!!!
Over / under on 8 sacks?
I say over
That's not the first time I've read about Hill and those allegations but nobody's perfect.
This kid will start and will get single blocked with Garvin on the other side. Good luck!! He’s going to eat!!!
Over / under on 8 sacks?
I say over

They're going to be a scary sight in pass rush. My only question is how good are our DE's in rush defense? Are guys like Hill pure pass rush specialists or can they help contain the run as well.