Halftime vs FSU

Can someone let me in on what the tweets said, twitter is blocked on my work computer.
It said absolutely nothing except "OMG OMG OMG I learned what happened at halftime of FSU and like OMG it is SOOOOO much more than any of you know! But I'm not saying anything about it." Ghey.
It said absolutely nothing except "OMG OMG OMG I learned what happened at halftime of FSU and like OMG it is SOOOOO much more than any of you know! But I'm not saying anything about it." Ghey.
It said absolutely nothing except "OMG OMG OMG I learned what happened at halftime of FSU and like OMG it is SOOOOO much more than any of you know! But I'm not saying anything about it." Ghey.

Thanks, sounds like an informative tweet. I wonder if Richards attacked Malik again? lol

This is when you have an old fart set in his ways and don't feel the need to change with the times on the field or off! He couldn't get excited even if he was in a ***** house full of hot naked model figured women!

Richt's time has pass! The guy just need to step aside and at as CEO and leave the coaching to younger innovative minded coaches that can also relate to today's athletes!
I'm not going to comment on the rumors, but I will say that in the absence of real leadership on a team, there are a few things that can happen to get it back:

1) The coaches take control and/or make changes to right the ship.

2) The older players take control and get others to follow with little culture change.

3) The younger players take control, change the culture, and make things better even in the face of the older players/coaches resisting.

What seems to be happening is a blend of 1 and 2. The coaches seem to be "taking control" (read: are stubborn and won't change), and the older players seem to be backing them up with little-to-no culture change. So, with a lack of change, we'll see the same results.

What needs to happen is likely #3. There's a power struggle happening right now, and the younger players aren't winning that battle...but honestly, them affecting change would probably be the better thing for the whole program than what's happening currently. It would probably **** off older players and the coaches, but if the younger guys balled out to the point where they couldn't be ignored...it would precipitate real change. That being said...I don't think they'll get the opportunities to do so because of how stubborn Richt is - with it being his way or the highway.
You could literally see the teams disappointment when Rosier came in for Perry at UVA. Fork was inserted in us at that moment. Done.
Could feel it in the stands as well. Sideline energy was sapped. The only thing bringing in Rosier did for us in that game was unite us in the stands to voice our displeasure at the move.
I wish we had the environment we had under Butch where all problems were taken care of in the locker room by the players and the coaches were hands off but too many soft kids now that would run straight to the admin and mommy.
Has Georgia performed this badly? What year? Why Miami?
This is hilarious. So the team split at half vs FSU only to make the biggest comeback vs FSU in history?

When the goin get tough around here the fans turn into Urban Meyer quick! Suck it up pussies.