Depends how serious you're taking your job, how hard you're working, and how talented the kids are behind you.
The Gurvan eval was fine. He was highly pursued, as has been said time and time again on here. Jennings was a terrible eval and many of us said it at the time. I know it's a joke anytime a kid flips to a rival, but let's just say FSU didn't put up a big fight when he dipped. Should tell you all you need to know.
It would be nice to be able to live life with a hindsight's view, but the fact of the matter is Gurvan was a serviceable player for 3 years here. Yes, he hadn't lived up to the hype, but he wasn't unplayable. No coach on the planet would have benched him for a true freshman in Game 1. However, as I said, if we had the benefit of hindsight, I'm sure the staff wishes they would've, because the younger kids just seem hungrier, and frankly, better. It's a shame that it took a few games for that to truly present itself, but sometimes that's what happens.