GT vs. UNC

GaTech's offensive is designed to win games, not championships. Paul Johnson isn't a very good recruiter. He should have stayed in I-AA where he could win.

It's a stupid offense that only works for them due to novelty....guys aren't used to it so it works.

tech is a pesky team still need to play well to beat them

I got beat up for calling us "disciplined" against UiF but what I meant was our discipline as far as gaps and assignments, not necessarily penalties. If we play that type of discipline against GT we will beat the every loving **** out of them.

Just go back and watch Chick last year DO WORK against them, and now picture him a year later and a whole new player.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not dumb enough to guarantee victory or be over confident, just sayin

Hey now, don't do me like that. It was out of love. Pure, unadulterated, homosexual love.

It would be better for the ACC if Johnson left GT. There's a ton of talent in that state and a great coach could turn GT into a relevant program.
The one thing I will say is that Lee kid is a better passer than they have had previously. That makes their option even more dangerous. That game is basically the Coastal Championship, IMO. UNC's defense is awful and VT has one of the worst offenses in the country.
GT will never win anything with that system. I guess they're content with 8-4 type years. I feel bad for that fan base having to watch that crap.
UNC remains the hingepoint of the season IMO. Nobody would raise an eyebrow if we lost at FSU and truthfully a loss to UF at home wouldn't be devastating to our process besides the rivalry aspect--winning obviously helps a ton. But UNC on the road is a game we need to win and win decisively in order to continue a true upward trend. Their tempo will create issues with our substitutions and our defense has been wildly different at home versus on the road at least to this point. This is a game that good teams don't lose but competitive teams who are trying hard often do--same as Clemson playing at NCSU for instance.

GT I just can't bring myself to worry about if Morris is even something like the quarterback we expect. We have a lot of guys who have seen that offense 2-3 times and physically we are sturdy up front. I can't see them consistently moving the ball against us in our home stadium, and they've proven that they have no plan B once you handle the dive physically and play responsibly on the edge. If Morris continues to be mediocre then all bets are off but we probably won't beat UNC either if that's the case.