great night for UM football...

It happened 7 months ago, during a dead period. Amounted to very little other than fans who were already ****ed at the way the season ended getting more angry with Golden.

Get over it.

Oh yeah, and a lost recruit. And tons of speculation from other coaches who used it against UM in recruiting. It was negligent behavior by Golden.

Wait. I thought we lost that recruit because of scheme? Just trying to get my stories straight.

And it was 7 months ago. Get over it.

No, we lost Brandon Powell because Golden ****ed up. Plain and simple. There's nothing to "get over." If you want people to stop bringing up the things a coach has done, maybe you shouldn't follow sports or post on a message board.

So trashing Golden on the recruiting board will help with the recruits, parents or coaches that read the board?

We lost Powell because he was hung up with admissions, wanted a Gator offer, got one and bolted.
He didn't go MIA. He was in constant contact with Blake James

How do you know this?

He doesn't. In fact it's an outright lie. No one knew where Golden was. NO ONE. He **** sure wasn't in his office for four days straight.

Blake James said he was. I'll take his word over that of some nobodies on message boards who want to pretend they know more and have a bias against Golden.
Come on! So Golden took a shot at his dream job. That is not the real problem. Coaches do that all the time and it is always at end of season in the middle of recruiting end game. Admissions cost us Brandon. Maybe Al has some blame for the DT slave trader sold to lsu, but the dude was standing on 27th ave waiting for school to open to give it one last try. Any of you guys hanging out in that hood without bodyguard? Golden it working hard on the recruiting and has done well. Is he getting all the studs he should, no. Was the end of last year acceptable, **** no. But the guy is pulling in great 2016 class and 2015 is blowing up nicely.

The play on the field needs to improve, improve a lot, and that is on Golden. He clearly has come up short there and I for one am not sure he can fix that. Keep the blame on target. There are people out there with agendas that are not THE U centric. When kids get free of them(see last two recruits after u school) then Al has good shot. For me, I want to hold Al's feet to the fire for on the field stuff. Everything else he is doing a fine job and with class. It is the Xs and Os that he needs to realize is his weakness. If this guy got a couple of the right assistants we would be all that again. The only thing keeping Al from being a great HC is better staff and his pride.(Yes he picks the staff, so staff selection is his weakness.)