Golden banner

My favorite right here.

Thanks, Al, Donna & Team. #FullSpeedAhead

What did you end up choosing, Lu?

Thanks to Al, Donna & Team. #FullSpeedAhead

Few people close to the program liked it as well and thought it was a clear message, so rock and roll.

We can't do a second plane, but we can do another plane another day or an inside banner. The money will be used for a banner of some sort (that will be decided here).

Really wanna say thanks to the lot of you who generously gave. Some people gave a little and some gave a lot, but there were a ****load of people who clearly really care about this program. Very cool.
Guys I know it is probably to late for Blake James to be on the plane but on the banner in the stadium he is a must
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At the end of the banner add "p.s. please give us a press pass, k thanx"


You guys should let Chris Freet and Chris Yandle know via Twitter whats going on. I am sure they would appreciate it.
Plane is done and paid for. It'll fly around from 9AM to 11AM. I anticipate the media will take note.

We have money left over which will be used for either a banner in the stadium or another plane or something you guys figure out. The issue with the banner in the stadium is getting it printed and ready in 2 days. May need to wait till we're on national TV for the VTech game.

IF there's enough $ for a 2nd banner, then I propose it say, "That's My Coach!". What a mantra. (Should have t-shirts that say it in the bookstore too).

The t-shirt should have an orange necktie for the "Y"