Golden banner

Bomb, how many times are you going to post and delete the same thing? Might as well just leave it out there, no? I think it's a good conversation to have.

I actually didn't read the first X pages of the thread until after I posted it, but then went and read a few of them and saw it had been brought up already, so... dead horse and all that. I am personally going to up my donation to the U instead with a note saying how proud I am of the way the admin and staff handled things.

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I know I'm late as **** but just donated although not to the extent of some u ballin *** dudes on here, lol. I'm cool with the variation of the one that's floatin around (Thanks Al, Donna and Team #FullSpeedAhead) so gents do ur thing and make this happen. The least I can do to support my team from where I'm at. When this happens can someone post pics or links of the plane/banner so I can toast to it on gameday please? Great idea Rohan, # respect.
Donation made, great idea, thanks to everyone who handled all the arrangements to make this happen. It"s great to be....
Please don't let this turn into a train wreck. Very simpl...Al, Donna, team , thanks full speed ahead. Any combination of that or similarities to that. The further it goes on this thread who knows what we'll end up with.
I thought the locker motto was "All we want is all you've got."

I like the idea of focusing on banners on each 50 that are huge. This way it gets TV coverage and is in color.

I like:

- U Stood With Us, We Stand With U
- Thanks to Al, Donna & Team. #FullSpeedAhead

Just donated.
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Just donated. Keep this going and use it for as many banners as you can get week after week. Great to show the support to the guys!!
Can we start a new thread or edit the OP? It would probably be easier to raise the funds if it were easier for the casual reader to find the donation page.

/Maybe I just missed the new thread
"U Stood With Us, We Stand With U - #FullSpeedAhead"

This combo is my favorite.

The "We Stand With U" part is inclusive of, and expresses gratitude toward, the entire football program. EVERYBODY WHO STOOD WITH US AND IS DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED WITH THE PROGRAM SHOULD BE ACKNOWLEDGED. This includes Golden, the coaching staff and administrators, Shalala, James, the players, their families, etc.

I don't like the idea of just thanking Al and Donna when many, many others played a vital role in this ordeal.

Just my $.02.
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if we get the banner, why not use that for the thank yous? would be easier to fit everything in (thank u to golden, blake, shalala, players)

as for the fly over (if we get the banner) what about keeping it simple: "U stood with us, we stand with U-CanesFam"