Golden banner

Agree it's a personal thank you from a fanbase that has been pretty bytchy and demanding. Just a public display of affection if you will.

FYI - We are currently at $385. I think the total for one banner is $450 (Lu, is this correct?). We can either stop collecting at $450 or if people want to continue we can set another one up -- one for Al and Donna and one directed at the players?

Or we could fly the same banner twice at different times.
Boom, donated. Thanks for setting this up guys. Nice to be able to support the program even though I'm all the way in Arizona. Hope I get to see this on the screen!
Call me narcissistic, I'd like a drop on the end of it.

It won't fit. 45 character limit. Just talked to the both companies, again. Someone is going to have to tell me if we're going to stop collecting or if we'll continue (doing this for two hours). One company will only do the 2 hour minimum - from 9AM to 11AM (air restriction of 1 hour before game time).
Call me narcissistic, I'd like a drop on the end of it.

It won't fit. 45 character limit. Just talked to the both companies, again. Someone is going to have to tell me if we're going to stop collecting or if we'll continue (doing this for two hours). One company will only do the 2 hour minimum - from 9AM to 11AM (air restriction of 1 hour before game time).

Keep doing it--use the overage to purchase a few "Thank You Golden" kegs.
or if people want to continue we can set another one up -- one for Al and Donna and one directed at the players?

I think if anyone gets their own it should be AG... Not taking anything away from Shalala (or the players) but AG was basically lied to & stood by us regardless. I think one can thank Coaches, Donna & players with a u family reference & while one specifically thanks Al for being a man of character. JMO.. All of it sounds good.
Just talked to the both companies, again. Someone is going to have to tell me if we're going to stop collecting or if we'll continue (doing this for two hours). One company will only do the 2 hour minimum - from 9AM to 11AM (air restriction of 1 hour before game time).

I think we will raise $900 easily. If you would like I can reach out to others not involved with this site. (shouldn't take long) Only donated $25 but I can do more. Just figured we wouldn't need it.
or if people want to continue we can set another one up -- one for Al and Donna and one directed at the players?

I think if anyone gets their own it should be AG... Not taking anything away from Shalala (or the players) but AG was basically lied to & stood by us regardless. I think one can thank Coaches, Donna & players with a u family reference & while one specifically thanks Al for being a man of character. JMO.. All of it sounds good.

If we are just doing one, the main one being kicked around sounds perfect. JMO
I am not convinced that some of you bipolar fools wont have a "Fire Golden" banner ready to take off in the event that Wake can pull off the upset
My 30 is in.

i still think if we do a second one it should take a shot at the NCAA. Let's make a stand. That sht will go viral as ****