Gaytors vs Aggies

Agree. Definitely a Top 10-15 coach right now, but he’s never been able to make his teams elite.
If he's a top 10-15 coach then he's going to be trouble as that's all you need with the elite talent Florida can pull.
But I thought Savage was supposed to be the best SC Coach in the biz (according to Gate fans). This defense looks softer than baby **** to me
Once again they lose and we win I hope Manny calls Jason Marshall from the locker room lol
They’ve got a good offense, but it’s basically the Pitts and Toney show. Every now and then Grimes or one of the RB’s does something.
**** right man. Fans will blame Grantham and he's to fault...but you can't blame him when it's man on man and your front 7 get pushed back. Nothing a DC can do there
Aaaaaannnnnnndddddd you just got a delay of game penalty.