Having an Ivy league degree looks great and all but just a bachelor's degree isn't doing much anymore. You need advanced degrees to move up in big firms and companies and Ivy league tuition is expensive, 60k for tuition probably another 20-30k in housing and expenses per year. You're looking at close to 100k per year especially in a place like Cambridge, Mass. (Harvard) or Long Island, NY (Columbia). Ivies do not give athletic or academic scholarships. It's need based and Manny absolutely does not fit the criteria for aid. If you're a good football player, NFL caliber, it would be a good decision to make all the money you can in the NFL on top of the pension that you get if you play more than 3 years. Its not a crazy amount but still something to fall back on in case things get rough.
At the end of the day, your Ivy degree will always be there and with the average NFL career being what it is, you may still be in your 20s when you stop playing, 30s if you're lucky. Still plenty of time to get in to another field and put your degree to use. Needless to say, although Ivy's look great, they are also not the end all, be all. Plenty of other schools that are just as good, and are not in the "Ivy 8". In a lot of professions its about having the degree, not as much about where its from.