Official Gattis Fired!!

Facts. They have no reason to be hating on the person, unless they mad he left and wanted him to stay
Hey man, after the Ono years I had plenty of reasons to be hating on him. But I was also happier to be seeing his back than front (pause).
No we could not do worse than firing gsttis and hiring arroyo or coley.

What mario wants to do will not work at miami. This isnt the pac.
2pac GIF
Celebrating a man's firing is beyond disgusting...we can do better Canes fans.
I get your point… but these coaches are made whole. He’s going to get every dime he agreed to on his contract. Won’t even have to work the next two years if he doesn’t want and more than likely will have another high 6 figure job within the next 30 days so need to feel sorry for any of these coaches who get shown the door. Not many industries where you can be totally inept and come out way better financially (see Willie Taggart)…

So don’t you go feeling all sorry for Josh Gattis.