Tears Gator Tears

What else are they going to do on Friday night before home games but go watch gators mate at the lake?
I think the funniest thing about this is people sell parking IN THEIR YARD. That is straight up movie level hill billy **** when you see guys parking on their lawn. Even the regular hicks I have passed by don't park on their lawns.

Not to not **** on them, but Orange Bowl?
I was up in Ginny springs this weekend repping Miami the whole time, its embarrassing how much their pride is shook because I hardly saw any gator signs and no one said **** to me the entire time about my UM attire. Maybe its because I was walking tall on the 8 ball, but gator football is dead and they're all hiding in their caves.
I went to the U after the OB already closed. Did fans allow people to park on their lawns during the OB time?

Yep a lot of people depended on that income...they’d squeeze so many cars in a yard it was crazy....10 bucks a pop back then most places but went up the closer you got to the field.
Theyd make a few hundred a game depending on the size of their yards and that was big money in the 60’s and 70’s
Yep a lot of people depended on that income...they’d squeeze so many cars in a yard it was crazy....10 bucks a pop back then most places but went up the closer you got to the field.
Theyd make a few hundred a game depending on the size of their yards and that was big money in the 60’s and 70’s

Ya that was A LOT of money back in those days. I had no idea. The only time I ever seen someone park on their lawn was in movies where you have the beyond stereotypical hill billies parking their beat up 20 year old pickups on their lawn. Thanks for clarifying.
Yep a lot of people depended on that income...they’d squeeze so many cars in a yard it was crazy....10 bucks a pop back then most places but went up the closer you got to the field.
Theyd make a few hundred a game depending on the size of their yards and that was big money in the 60’s and 70’s
They actually still do this for marlins games lol
Can’t wait for these hicks to come back to the the world when they play a trash team with the slightest pulse today.
Yep a lot of people depended on that income...they’d squeeze so many cars in a yard it was crazy....10 bucks a pop back then most places but went up the closer you got to the field.
Theyd make a few hundred a game depending on the size of their yards and that was big money in the 60’s and 70’s
Mostly small well kept neighborhoods around the OB. Wasn't really enough parking on the stadium property. Parking in private yards was a tradition back then. They would have some awesome tailgate parties.