Tears Gator Tears


Lol so gators are reading FSU boards and taking rumors from there about Mac being gone

Gahhhhhh dam lol

Maybe we should come up with a rumor/disinformation thread here. Just to **** w em.

As a sign of solidarity and a vote of confidence in their coach during these troubled times of dealing with suspensions and threats, the university is thinking of giving him a 10 year extension with a $50 Million buy out.
More proof that McSharkfvcker is horrible at his job.

The linked article is about Will Grier, but scan down to the part about his time at UF. McSharkfvcker essentially banned Grier from the stadium, showed up to a meeting with Papa Grier 2 hours late, and subsequently lied about the Griers "demanding a guarantee" that Will be allowed to be the starter once his suspension was over.

Good stuff...

Growing up Grier: The nation's most prolific QB and his way-more-famous brothers

the link is public, you don't have to have a subscription to read the article. the last sentence is the money quote:

"Nope it’s about his irresponsible off-hand remark that could yield severe across-the-board repercussions and may come back to bite him deeper than any shark could."

This is the better quote:

"He had just made us all (yeah I include myself, a Gator grad) look really, really, really bad, like we’re part of some lunatic fringe that threatens athletes and coaches when the football team goes .500."

But, but, but...THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT GAYTOR FANS DO. Exactly. We have nearly 500 pages of postings about Gaytor fans where there are many, many screenshots of Gaytor fans fantasizing about how much they would love to get rid of McSharkfvcker.

And, yes, internet postings may not be identical to "death threats". I understand that.

But let's not pretend that we haven't been in stadiums where fans have screamed some horrible stuff. Racist stuff, sexist stuff, and probably with a few death threats mixed in. ****, Ped State fans issued death threats to people who simply stated that they had tried to tell Saint Joepa about what Sandusky was up to.

So to act as if this is "lunatic fringe" stuff...or to act as if it's not a fair assessment of how Gaytor fans behave...yeah, that's a load of crapola.

That is EXACTLY how Gaytor fans behave. In so many ways, Gaytor fans have a disconnect between what they think they are vs. the actual reality of what they are, and this is yet another example.

They think they are "gentleman fans", but they are a bunch of lunatics who will easily slip into "racist insults" and "death threats" when their precious football team doesn't perform to the impossible standards that the Gaytor fans (and Spurrier and Urban) set.

McSharkfvcker may have exaggerated things, but he is otherwise accurate.
More proof that McSharkfvcker is horrible at his job.

The linked article is about Will Grier, but scan down to the part about his time at UF. McSharkfvcker essentially banned Grier from the stadium, showed up to a meeting with Papa Grier 2 hours late, and subsequently lied about the Griers "demanding a guarantee" that Will be allowed to be the starter once his suspension was over.

Good stuff...

Growing up Grier: The nation's most prolific QB and his way-more-famous brothers

It's really amazing. Florida missed out on TWO high level QB's (Cam Newton, Grier) in a relative short amount of time.

I understand the Newton situation, but Grier? Kid takes some sort of illegal OTC powder for weight gain and is permanently assigned to the doghouse.

We don't know the whole story of course; maybe the Griers' DID demand a guarantee. I can remember how much of an ego Kyle Wrights dad had, so its not outside the realm of possibillity.

Then, McElwain acts like the kid is garbage and encourages him to transfer.

With the QB situation they have now , its easy to have hindsight. But this article will do nothing but to further infuriate their fanbase, and will have a negative impact on recruiting.

High end QB's don't come around often, and the Gators missed out on two NFL caliber types in a relatively short amount of time.
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More proof that McSharkfvcker is horrible at his job.

The linked article is about Will Grier, but scan down to the part about his time at UF. McSharkfvcker essentially banned Grier from the stadium, showed up to a meeting with Papa Grier 2 hours late, and subsequently lied about the Griers "demanding a guarantee" that Will be allowed to be the starter once his suspension was over.

Good stuff...

Growing up Grier: The nation's most prolific QB and his way-more-famous brothers

It's really amazing. Florida missed out on TWO high level QB's (Cam Newton, Grier) in a relative short amount of time.

I understand the Newton situation, but Grier? Kid takes some sort of illegal OTC powder for weight gain and is permanently assigned to the doghouse.

We don't know the whole story of course; maybe the Griers' DID demand a guarantee. I can remember how much of an ego Kyle Wrights dad had, so its not outside the realm of possibillity.

Then, McElwain acts like the kid is garbage and encourages him to transfer.

With the QB situation they have now , its easy to have hindsight. But this article will do nothing but to further infuruate their fanbase, and will have a negative impact on recruiting.

High end QB's don't come around often, and the Gators missed out on two NFL caliber types in a relatively short amount of time.

First, it's not that they "missed out" on those two QBs, it's that they were "forced out".

Second, they jettisoned those 2 QBs for other reasons (having Tebow, or the new coach not wanting the old coach's QB), but have bent over backwards to keep other "more necessary" players who committed multiple criminal infractions.

Third, it is unnecessary to analyze the Grier family by comparison to Kyle freakin' Wright, it is more relevant to compare whether McSharkfvcker has a propensity for exaggeration/lying by comparing the Grier situation to the "death threats" situation.

Finally, even if the Griers wanted SOME KIND of assurance from McSharkfvcker, it has to be analyze within the context of (a) the behavior pattern of barring Grier from the stadium and (b) being the recruit of a prior head coach. There is a difference between a "guarantee to be the starter" (heck, go back to what Jeff George and his family demanded from Jimmy Johnson) and simply trying to figure out if Grier will get a chance to redeem himself when his suspension is over.

And it is NOT outside the realm of possibility, given all of McSharkfvcker's other BS statements made over the past 3 years, that the Corch turned the Grier family's request for "a clean slate for Will" into a "demand for guaranteed starter status". That is easily the most logical explanation of all, in light of the way that McSharkfvcker explains himself in public.
Oh, don't get it twisted; I tend to believe the Griers in this situation.

The results speak for themselves.

Grier is having a great season, and the Gators couldn't decide who their QB was until one got hurt.

I have a feeling the turds will keep Sharkey around for another year because of the buyout, but I wouldn't be surprised if he left at the end of this season.
The scratching and clawing for any little rumor about the coach reminds me of this place. Man we know that all too well.
Oh, don't get it twisted; I tend to believe the Griers in this situation.

The results speak for themselves.

Grier is having a great season, and the Gators couldn't decide who their QB was until one got hurt.

I have a feeling the turds will keep Sharkey around for another year because of the buyout, but I wouldn't be surprised if he left at the end of this season.

No problem, it wasn't a criticism of your post, I just wanted to highlight some things about how McSharkfvcker operates.

And it is a lot like how Golden operated.
Oh, don't get it twisted; I tend to believe the Griers in this situation.

The results speak for themselves.

Grier is having a great season, and the Gators couldn't decide who their QB was until one got hurt.

I have a feeling the turds will keep Sharkey around for another year because of the buyout, but I wouldn't be surprised if he left at the end of this season.

Who says Grier would have done much better than these scabs? Getting forced out of UF was probably the BEST thing that could have happened. ForniSharker might have ruined the kid.
Oh, don't get it twisted; I tend to believe the Griers in this situation.

The results speak for themselves.

Grier is having a great season, and the Gators couldn't decide who their QB was until one got hurt.

I have a feeling the turds will keep Sharkey around for another year because of the buyout, but I wouldn't be surprised if he left at the end of this season.

Who says Grier would have done much better than these scabs? Getting forced out of UF was probably the BEST thing that could have happened. ForniSharker might have ruined the kid.

Grier showed promise at QB during his time at UF. I think that's the only reason why people think he would've kept the gators afloat. He's by far better than any QB that Florida has.
Clay Travis just predicted a Ga-Dog blow-out and SharkDonkey taking another job-Oregon State?

Here is what is unbelievable about this "story".

It STARTED with Dennis Dodd just TALKING on a radio show or podcast and HYPOTHESIZING about whether McSharkfvcker might consider the Oregon State job. It was NEVER a "report" or any sort of factual or rumor-based story about the Corch ACTUALLY going to Oregon State, it was just a couple of guys talking crap.

But now, because the Gaytor fans WANT it to be true, it has taken on a life of its own, and ignorant Gaytors are claiming that McSharkfvcker must have "leaked" his intentions to Dodd.

Unless McSharkfvcker miraculously wins out the rest of the season, I think there are too many wildfires for him to put out.

And I give all the credit to the Gator Tears thread.

Lol so gators are reading FSU boards and taking rumors from there about Mac being gone

Gahhhhhh dam lol

Maybe we should come up with a rumor/disinformation thread here. Just to **** w em.

As a sign of solidarity and a vote of confidence in their coach during these troubled times of dealing with suspensions and threats, the university is thinking of giving him a 10 year extension with a $50 Million buy out.

As you guys know, my brother In law is a bull gator. He tells me this is exactly the plan. They really buy into that coach.