Tears Gator Tears

Here’s some more arrogant gator gloating material for the locker room board, fella’s.


Funny they're talking about class yet their baseball coach had an affair with a bat boys mom. Then when the husband found out he killed himself and their two kids and burned their house down. Then the ***** goes and marries the coach. Keeping it classy at UF like always.
Funny they're talking about class yet their baseball coach had an affair with a bat boys mom. Then when the husband found out he killed himself and their two kids and burned their house down. Then the ***** goes and marries the coach. Keeping it classy at UF like always.
Yo wtf?
It's true, how is this not more well known?

A couple of reasons. One of them involves the mother being involved in an effort to change Florida law on what kinds of details are released in such cases. Now, granted, the REAL stuff she wants to change is the "reporting on the specifics on how her sons were killed" and not "who was she *******", but I think that her efforts have led the press to report FEWER facts on her case than they otherwise might have done.

The reality is that she had an extramarital affair that led the husband to do unconscionable things. And she is now married to O'Sullivan. We can speculate on what happened in-between, but those two data points are fairly well-known.

This shouldn't be rocket science.
A couple of reasons. One of them involves the mother being involved in an effort to change Florida law on what kinds of details are released in such cases. Now, granted, the REAL stuff she wants to change is the "reporting on the specifics on how her sons were killed" and not "who was she *******", but I think that her efforts have led the press to report FEWER facts on her case than they otherwise might have done.

The reality is that she had an extramarital affair that led the husband to do unconscionable things. And she is now married to O'Sullivan. We can speculate on what happened in-between, but those two data points are fairly well-known.

This shouldn't be rocket science.
Yes, I know that she worked on getting that law passed, it does seem to me too an opportunity for her to get the details squelched
Yes, I know that she worked on getting that law passed, it does seem to me too an opportunity for her to get the details squelched

You really don’t need anymore info regarding the death of the kids as knowing the Dad went nuts and took their lives is enough in my opinion but otherwise law or no law there seems to be things like above that put the info out there so everyone can figure out for themselves whether she and the Irish Midget are trash and to blame for 3 deaths or not

Tell gatorMike, I’ll meet him in the parking lot. I will introduce him to the FSU fan that pulled some **** on me a few years ago in the parking lot. He’s hard to understand through a breathing tube, but I’m sure he’ll get the point across.
Tell gatorMike, I’ll meet him in the parking lot. I will introduce him to the FSU fan that pulled some **** on me a few years ago in the parking lot. He’s hard to understand through a breathing tube, but I’m sure he’ll get the point across.

None of them will take you up on that. They like to talk behind a keyboard.

Remember the gator who talked crap and then got scared and had to have people protect him at the game?
Moral degenerates ehh?

What's hilarious and outright delusional is not only thinking that Miami won't have a good class, it's how they think their boy Billy is such a great coach and recruiter. The very thing they say Miami "CAN'T recruit without money", is exactly how they are landing recruits. To top it off, their "lockdown" of commits is just them paying committed recruits not to take visits.

Talking all that **** about stomping us week 1 in 2024. They have no offensive line and will be starting a true freshman at QB if they can keep him in the class. They will have 2 more losing seasons in 2023 and 2024 for 4 consecutive just like FSU did.

Such a arrogant delusional fanbase!!!

They’re such imbeciles. MiamigatorMike was the one that kicked things off with “I’m gonna kick some cane *** in the parking lot“ stupidity, or whatever violence he said he was going to do in the parking lot. I don’t have the exact quote in front of me.

What a bunch of hillbilly clodhoppers.