Tears Gator Tears

Told you:

Wait didn't Napier coach at Clemson and Alabama. You would think he would have learned a thing or two from at least Saban since he was too busy trying to punch Dabo. Also I remember UF fans giving napier credit for all of those highly rated SFL WRs that went to Alabama while he was WR coach there completely ignoring that Mario had a hand in it. Now he has never recruited at this level.
Lol, a guy that had 35 tackles and two sacks in limited play through 8 games, won’t be missed.

Gator delusion at it’s finest.

Even if you only see him as a depth piece on the bench, it’s total delusion that he “won’t be missed”.

He won't be. Yes he's had a better season this year than last as far as finally learning how to play his gap as oppose to speed rushing every down, but dude isn't some "we're ***ked w/o him" and you'd get what i'm putting down if you watched the DL this year. Having BUCK/Rush Ends to replace him is a position we won't have issues replacing.