Tears Gator Tears

I ain't even gonna waste my gas.
Cannot wait for the Canes to play the Gators IN THE SWAMP in August 2024, and again at Hard Rock in 2025. They will see what kind of on field execution the UM football program is capable of. After those games the talk about "Napier buyout is how much?" will begin in earnest.
so, UF is as an institution paying their players. Miami, which does not have a collective is not paying their players. however, miami's players are making endorsement deals with indepencdent entities completely separate from the school. How do they not see how what they are doing is completely against the rules?
so, UF is as an institution paying their players. Miami, which does not have a collective is not paying their players. however, miami's players are making endorsement deals with indepencdent entities completely separate from the school. How do they not see how what they are doing is completely against the rules?
Naked Gun Panic GIF
Its like watching that guy putting on clown makeup meme.
1) no one wants to play in that rented stadium with no energy
2) miami has no money/facilities to keep up
3) miami only getting westcoast mario recruits
4) cant wait til the recruits see miami’s 7win season

As each big recruit goes our way they change their excuses/reasoning!!

What a time to be alive!!!
Park4gator is the only real fan they have
The rest are homer/enablers that stand for this garbage
Elite coaches all have elite bump classes
They’re gonna have Kirby up north and Mario down south
They gonna be Mississippi state soon

Norvell is clowning him
It’s crazy norvell won’t ever recruit guys Mario is after
But he’s clowning Napier
He better be a coaching savant