Tears Gator Tears

Dude I was at this kinda large scale arts event recently, a lot going on all over the place, and one little side thing was a theatre where they were workshopping a play for a major theatre company.

It was called Baba Yaga and the something something. I was kind of multi-tasking, but then when it got going, I was like wtf, my CIS dude is a sick puppy. :LOL:

So being unfamiliar with the tale, or at least having forgotten it from long ago I looked it up to learn a little more:

Baba Yaga, also spelled Baba Jaga, in Slavic folklore, an ogress who steals, cooks, and eats her victims, usually children. A guardian of the fountains of the water of life, she lives with two or three sisters (all known as Baba Yaga) in a forest hut that spins continually on birds' legs.

What in the heavenly F!?!! You're weird. I like you.
He doesn't cook but otherwise accurate
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Sorry, I’ve gotten greedy. I had to wander over to the tide tears which is fascinating. Half their fans prefer billy to replace saban, the other half assume they’ll get Mario to replace him if he’s successful at Miami. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

But that’s just how stupid & delusional they are. He’s not a good “game day” coach but you want him to be your next HC 😂 You can’t make this stuff up lol
U gotta give it to the Lizards and the SEC salty tears boys commitment to this narrative that Mario can't coach. It belies logic. Took over a 4-8 team in 3 full seasons, 9-4, 12-2 and 10-3. If that's the guy who can't coach sign me up. Lincoln Riley the offensive genius gets smoke everytime they play a big OOC matchup, yet the man who can't coach walk into Columbus and run over Ohio and win The Rose Bowl. I know fans need something to not just go full depression but please a little objective man. ****. Its not like Mario is a Coordinator. He is a OL coach.

They're such clowns. I'm not going to argue Mario is an amazing coach. We can agree he's still growing in that department. But even if he isn't a great game coach, that's why he brought in Steele, Gattis, Strong, etc. Who is going to argue those guys aren't good?

On the flip side, I really don't understand the thought process some national guys have thinking the gators will be good this season. They are a flawed team lacking depth in a lot of areas. They're banking on an athletic qb who was bad with his limited snaps. Who considers Napier an x's and o's genius? Everyone knows he's not. This team gave up last year, and if they start 1-3... so many tears in this thread.
Blake pulling no punches. He's giving it them boys raw (no homo).

Straight up told them fools they're delusional thinking they turned kids down when they really just lost them battles.

Blake realizes that being outrecruited is a lot better look than being stupid and turning down talent that would help.
Man, I love that they still have comments on their board, “we should’ve tried to hire Mario before Miami did.” They honestly believe that their sh**hole university has so much to offer that Mario cristobal, Miami horn and bred, would forsake his entire history and jump at the opportunity to coach there
As if Mario doesn't HATE UF.... They have no idea how deep his hate of UF runs...
Sorry, I’ve gotten greedy. I had to wander over to the tide tears which is fascinating. Half their fans prefer billy to replace saban, the other half assume they’ll get Mario to replace him if he’s successful at Miami. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

I pray to the good lord Jesus that they hire Billy Gaypier.