Tears Gator Tears

I love how they’re desperately grabbing at straws now. They really think the swamp atmosphere is something recruits care about? I’ve never heard a single kid ever say “yeah, I loved Miami. Great school, great city, great coaches but I just couldn’t handle not having an on campus stadium”. Even if the stadium mattered, that’s literally six days a year. The other 359 days, you’re just stuck in ****hole Gainesville.

My new favorite excuse is “Mario is only signing 5 stars from the west coast. He’s not getting all the Florida players”. Well idiots, recruiting is all about building relationships. Mario has been coaching the last 5 seasons in Oregon. I’m pretty sure most of his long time recruiting relationships are with kids from out there. We literally just signed a kid Mario offered in 8th grade. As more time passes here, Mario will have made new relationships with local kids and we’ll have plenty of Florida begging to come here. But don’t worry gator, there’s a ton of high school football players here. You’ll get yours. After Miami, FSU and UCF are done. Get ready for recruiting wars with Willie Taggart and FAU.
Hey, don’t discount Jacksonville State!
Was going to say that I haven't been there in a while so wasn't sure of any remodeling. But the times I've been there, it wasn't anything to brag about. Same for the one in Tally. Nice brick exterior on that one and glorified HS stadium on the inside.
And both aging brutalist monstrosities come with the special low price of hundreds of millions of dollars necessary to fix and upgrade them!
I realize many people have not been to Florida Field. It was where I saw my VERY FIRST Miami game in 1986, that last of the "annual rivalry games" we played in Hogtown.

I realize the stadium has a decent capacity, but it is trash. Since 1986, they built a new northern end zone section, but the rest of the stadium IS GARBAGE. It doesn't even have an "upper bowl/lower bowl", it's just one loooooooong rise of seats along both sidelines. They have meaningless blank walls due to the haphazard construction on which they have painted dumb slogans like "Welcome To The Swamp" and "Will Suck D!ck For Rivals/247 Stars".
This is how a lot of the older stadiums are. Miami fans don’t realize how good we have it in an NFL facility. We complain that the seat backs are blue while most college stadiums don’t have seat backs at all. We have escalators to take us to the second and third levels while Choke Campbell Stadium and the Swamp have one section and a long set of stairs to climb. Most of the “on campus” stadiums are really bare bones. They were either built 75 years ago and still remain mostly in that condition or they’re the new erector set style bleacher stadiums that resemble a fancy high school football facility.
@bradtejeda saw your post was taken down but these tears are too good to just let them vanish

Apparently Kirkland's mom confirmed that the infamous Gator mac and cheese was made with mayo and multiple people visiting got sick from the food that day

Vince Vaughn Lol GIF by filmeditor
I realize many people have not been to Florida Field. It was where I saw my VERY FIRST Miami game in 1986, that last of the "annual rivalry games" we played in Hogtown.

I realize the stadium has a decent capacity, but it is trash. Since 1986, they built a new northern end zone section, but the rest of the stadium IS GARBAGE. It doesn't even have an "upper bowl/lower bowl", it's just one loooooooong rise of seats along both sidelines. They have meaningless blank walls due to the haphazard construction on which they have painted dumb slogans like "Welcome To The Swamp" and "Will Suck D!ck For Rivals/247 Stars".

I completely agree. To be fair, I haven't seen a game there. But I have been to the stadium when I went up to visit friends and during gator growl. It really isn't anything special. A bunch of bleacher seats. If that is what gator fans think can get a kid to commit to them then they're in some ****.
Recruit: I will be attending the University of Flagship.

Interviewer: Why did you choose the University of Flagship?

Recruit: On campus stadium, game day atmosphere, top 5 public university.

Interviewer: What other schools did you consider?

Recruit: Miami was after me pretty hard, but the combination of the long 45 minute drive to their NFL stadium and the 80 yard IPF just turned me off.
This is how a lot of the older stadiums are. Miami fans don’t realize how good we have it in an NFL facility. We complain that the seat backs are blue while most college stadiums don’t have seat backs at all. We have escalators to take us to the second and third levels while Choke Campbell Stadium and the Swamp have one section and a long set of stairs to climb. Most of the “on campus” stadiums are really bare bones. They were either built 75 years ago and still remain mostly in that condition or they’re the new erector set style bleacher stadiums that resemble a fancy high school football facility.

I've never knocked the basic construction of Hard Rock.

I have clearly stated that I wish it was further south, that the management team is destroying the parking, and that there were some structural issues (sideline distances) that needed to be addressed (but could never truly be completely changed).

But it's a **** good 40-year old stadium, probably one of the absolute best FOR ITS AGE.
Interviewer: What other schools did you consider?

Recruit: Miami was after me pretty hard, but the combination of the long 45 minute drive to their NFL stadium and the 80 yard IPF just turned me off.

Wait, wait, you and @RVACane have convinced me...we need to buy a couple extra square miles of Coral Gables houses and level them so that we can address our greatest football recruiting weakness...
I love how they’re desperately grabbing at straws now. They really think the swamp atmosphere is something recruits care about? I’ve never heard a single kid ever say “yeah, I loved Miami. Great school, great city, great coaches but I just couldn’t handle not having an on campus stadium”. Even if the stadium mattered, that’s literally six days a year. The other 359 days, you’re just stuck in ****hole Gainesville.

My new favorite excuse is “Mario is only signing 5 stars from the west coast. He’s not getting all the Florida players”. Well idiots, recruiting is all about building relationships. Mario has been coaching the last 5 seasons in Oregon. I’m pretty sure most of his long time recruiting relationships are with kids from out there. We literally just signed a kid Mario offered in 8th grade. As more time passes here, Mario will have made new relationships with local kids and we’ll have plenty of Florida begging to come here. But don’t worry gator, there’s a ton of high school football players here. You’ll get yours. After Miami, FSU and UCF are done. Get ready for recruiting wars with Willie Taggart and FAU.
Yes everybody I am going to choose a school based on a place I will spend no more than 24 days over the next four years in
Interviewer: What other schools did you consider?

Recruit: Miami was after me pretty hard, but the combination of the long 45 minute drive to their NFL stadium and the 80 yard IPF just turned me off.
Funny how NFL millionaires don't mind driving 40 minutes to the stadium (none of them live anywhere near there) but according to UF fans, college kids could never be that inconvenienced.
  • that.
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    Slevin said... (original post) I’m honestly a little blown away at all the traction they’ve had with every last one of our top targets. We started off hot, but they’re closing in ...
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    Miami doesn't have one Alpha male committed right now, and their top 4 players are all from the west coast. As long as Miami isn't signing 20 plus top 300 players from within the state, we're fine. National recruiting works for places that already own their backyard
According to banned CIS poster (not by me) formerly known as Drewny86 turned 247 Insider poster daRealherdfever - yes.

I think it’s between us and Bama so we’ll see. We’re the upstart now not the establishment. Hopefully though.

According to other people too, yes. Lock? Not sure. Trending? Yes.
This is how a lot of the older stadiums are. Miami fans don’t realize how good we have it in an NFL facility. We complain that the seat backs are blue while most college stadiums don’t have seat backs at all. We have escalators to take us to the second and third levels while Choke Campbell Stadium and the Swamp have one section and a long set of stairs to climb. Most of the “on campus” stadiums are really bare bones. They were either built 75 years ago and still remain mostly in that condition or they’re the new erector set style bleacher stadiums that resemble a fancy high school football facility.
Whenever someone talks about our stadium situation, I just remind them that their stadium was built w public funds… welfare. Those stadiums are section 8 housing for welfare teams.

Meanwhile Miami can afford rent.