Know why I pay big bucks for this site? It's because fine folks like you are willing to spend your time doing deep-dives into why the gater does what he does. I mean, you can't just get that sh*t on any street corner, you have to come here. Every other site would just say "they don't know what the f*ck they're talking about" and be done with it. But not CiS, not you. No no, here you are, a good honest guy who is willing to waste his time delving deep into the mind of the gater. Never mind how it makes you stupider and probably uglier, you don't mind. And why don't you mind? Because you my friend are a true f*cking patriot. A real hero. That word gets overused, but it fits here. You're a **** hero for doing the dirty work that the rest of us are too scared to do.
So here's to you, you heroic *******!
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