Tears Gator Tears


i initially made myself like this take at first (Hev ****** recruiting can do that to you from time to time) even though he should have never been offered by UF and while i think we were wise to process him, its f’d up we did this to him so late in the process


Thats dirty. If you don't want him, don't offer him. Mullen is a real piece of ****. I called my shot last year and said UF would lose 4 games (dummies said there was no way as Mullen is the bestest evar and Miami screwed up by not hiring him). UF's O will be considerably worse next year.

I think they lose a minimum of 4 again and possibly 5- Bama, LSU, UGA, and the SEC championship game if they get there, plus whatever bowl game the end up in. Will he survive 8-5?
Thats dirty. If you don't want him, don't offer him. Mullen is a real piece of ****. I called my shot last year and said UF would lose 4 games (dummies said there was no way as Mullen is the bestest evar and Miami screwed up by not hiring him). UF's O will be considerably worse next year.

I think they lose a minimum of 4 again and possibly 5- Bama, LSU, UGA, and the SEC championship game if they get there, plus whatever bowl game the end up in. Will he survive 8-5?
3 days before signing day and he had shut down recruiting.

Yeah, they’ll be worse. Emory Jones isn’t getting them anywhere. I’m assuming Gilbert will help. It seems like UGA has a lot of issues.
It's the same **** that happens here the homers put the blinders up. But then u have rational unbiased fans that tell it how it is. Those r the guys always hated on social media.....the realist.
Eh, there’s probably only a small handful of homers here who are always hyping up players and coaches. To me, being real is having a realistic understanding of the team and setting expectations accordingly. Too many fans are under the assumption that Miami is still a championship level program and anything short of championships is a failure. They don’t see that almost 20 years of mediocrity has set the program back miles and it’s not an overnight quick fix. It’s not as simple as making one coaching hire or one recruiting class. There needs to be continued improvement across the board for a while before this program can claim to be a contender

i initially made myself like this take at first (Hev ****** recruiting can do that to you from time to time) even though he should have never been offered by UF and while i think we were wise to process him, its f’d up we did this to him so late in the process

Like you said below this initial post, kids do this to schools a lot. Miami knows this all too well.

So let me see if I can understand KKKoolgtr's argument.

He is claiming that Chad Simmons from Rivals is overinflating Georgia recruits to the 5-star level. And that Georgia's 5-star haul is somehow fraudulent, and not indicative of the truth.

So lets limit this comparison to Florida vs. Georgia, just with Rivals 5-stars.

In 2021, Rivals gave 5-star ratings to 6 FL high school players, and 3 GA players.
In 2020, Rivals had 4 FL 5-stars, 6 GA 5-stars.
In 2019, Rivals had 4 FL 5-stars, 3 GA 5-stars.
In 2018, Rivals had 9 FL 5-stars, 4 GA 5-stars.
In 2017, Rivals had 8 FL 5-stars, 3 GA 5-stars.

More importantly:

In 2021, UGa had 2 of its 2 5-stars who were from GA high schools.
In 2020, only 2 of the 5 UGa 5-stars were from GA.
In 2019, only 0 of the 3 UGa 5-stars were from GA.
In 2018, only 4 of the 8 UGa 5-stars were from GA.
In 2017, only 1 of the 2 UGa 5-stars were from GA.

I've watched Rivals/247 rankings for years. Usually, most of the 5-stars are set well in advance of their commit dates, and while there are some additions to the number of 5-stars over time, it's not like some 3-star gets bumped to 5-star simply because one school recruits him.

But this KKKoolgtr guy is acting like Chad Simmons has single-handedly benefitted UGa, and that somehow, the Gaytors cannot recruit from the same pool of players.

It's unbelievable, what kind of nonsense these Gaytor fans swallow to justify their delusions.
So let me see if I can understand KKKoolgtr's argument.

He is claiming that Chad Simmons from Rivals is overinflating Georgia recruits to the 5-star level. And that Georgia's 5-star haul is somehow fraudulent, and not indicative of the truth.

So lets limit this comparison to Florida vs. Georgia, just with Rivals 5-stars.

In 2021, Rivals gave 5-star ratings to 6 FL high school players, and 3 GA players.
In 2020, Rivals had 4 FL 5-stars, 6 GA 5-stars.
In 2019, Rivals had 4 FL 5-stars, 3 GA 5-stars.
In 2018, Rivals had 9 FL 5-stars, 4 GA 5-stars.
In 2017, Rivals had 8 FL 5-stars, 3 GA 5-stars.

More importantly:

In 2021, UGa had 2 of its 2 5-stars who were from GA high schools.
In 2020, only 2 of the 5 UGa 5-stars were from GA.
In 2019, only 0 of the 3 UGa 5-stars were from GA.
In 2018, only 4 of the 8 UGa 5-stars were from GA.
In 2017, only 1 of the 2 UGa 5-stars were from GA.

I've watched Rivals/247 rankings for years. Usually, most of the 5-stars are set well in advance of their commit dates, and while there are some additions to the number of 5-stars over time, it's not like some 3-star gets bumped to 5-star simply because one school recruits him.

But this KKKoolgtr guy is acting like Chad Simmons has single-handedly benefitted UGa, and that somehow, the Gaytors cannot recruit from the same pool of players.

It's unbelievable, what kind of nonsense these Gaytor fans swallow to justify their delusions.
1796 pages of it and counting to be exact
lol recruits do it to schools when they say they’re solid and then flip on signing day. It’s the ugly side to recruiting

Not close to the same thing. Big time programs are rarely, if ever, caught totally by surprise. This is a multibillion dollar game, legit programs have eyes and ears everywhere and know whether a recruit is sniffing around to another school. When it comes to 5 star recruits, they are plugged into a recruit's friends, family, and coaching staff who are incentivized to make sure the player sticks to his commitment. A real shocker might happen once in a blue moon. The Marshall situation might be one of the most secretive last second flips in recent memory, and even then there were several people who knew that Marshall's coach was trying to get UF and Bama into a bidding war behind the scenes (it was even posted here a couple days before it went down). The Canes staff hoped he would stick, but they also knew that UF was going to try and save face by landing a big time recruit because it was getting its a$$ kicked on the recruiting trail. UF dropped so much money it made Bama do a double take, and Marshall took the big bags. Not totally unexpected.

3 star recruits don't pull last second flips. A major P5 might be a 3 star's best offer, so they aren't going to suddenly drop UF, Miami, Bama, etc for FIU or USF unless they are being encouraged by the P5 to look elsewhere. The G5's generally don't have bags to drop to get kids to flip and they aren't dropping those bags for a 3 star. UF outright dropping a 3 star recruit who had shut down his recruitment is a scumbag move. Mullen's lack of professionalism is just another nail that is going to get hammered into his coffin at the end of the 2021 season when he gets fired after going 8-5.
lol recruits do it to schools when they say they’re solid and then flip on signing day. It’s the ugly side to recruiting

Yeah but when a kid has been solid to you the whole time.... 3 days before signing day?? Mullen just now decided this?

Was the kid flirting with other schools?? Was he wavering?? I get that...
Yeah but when a kid has been solid to you the whole time.... 3 days before signing day?? Mullen just now decided this?

Was the kid flirting with other schools?? Was he wavering?? I get that...

nah. I believe once Gilbert talk of hitting the portal came about and UF became an option, SOMEBODY had to get put on the chopping block as numbers were/are tight and him being the low hanging fruit drew the short end of the stick