Tears Gator Tears

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@TrumpyCane the GOAT, good work brother. I used to argue with UGA fans when I lived in GA and they always denied facts and would rebuttal with "you play in an inferior conference". So **** sick of the SEC.

One critique, they made 3 documentaries about us. They're right though, why would ESPN shell out millions for a "lesser brand". They're probably in the process of producing 6 Tebow docs right now. I can't wait to slap around a gator fan in 2024 or whenever we play them next.
My usual 5 am chuckle from these idiots:

Making fun of d eriq king because of his size when 3 out of the last 7 qb heisman winners have been 6ft or below.

@TrumpyCane good work sir. Thought all of that was very well written. Tough to make any sort of clap back when you lay out the facts to their face like that. Of course they resorted to last year and our lack of success in acc though. Major deflection job bringing up that
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