Tears Gator Tears

This Gaytor Mullet thread is the perfect example of why Gaytor Tears exists, because the Gaytor fans are so delusional.

In one breath, they argue that Riley should get no credit for development, because he "only" worked with two Heisman Trophy winning QBs for three years. He never got to "handpick" his own QBs. He never had to play "young QBs". He has such high-rated talent.

Meanwhile, poor poor Mullet has been forced to handpick young QBs who are low-ranked, and then work with them for five years.

Except...none of the Mullet myth is true.

Mullet worked at Bowling Green for 2 years UNDER URBAN MEYER. Mullet never got to "handpick" and "develop" his own QB. As I pointed out before, Mullet "developed" Josh Harris (a QB he didn't recruit or "handpick") for only 2 years, less time than Riley had with his Heisman winners. Then, when Mullet finally got to "handpick" his own QB (Omar Jacobs), he immediately left Bowling Green for a better job at Utah, thus Mullet never "developed" Jacobs.

Mullet worked at Utah for 2 years UNDER URBAN MEYER. Mullet never got to "handpick" Alex Smith, he merely "developed" him for 2 years. Again, less time than Riley had with his 2 Heisman winners.

Mullet worked at UF for 4 years UNDER URBAN MEYER. Mullet did not "handpick" 4-star Chris Leak. However, Mullet "handpicked" 5-star Tim Teblow, 5-star Cam Newton, and 4-star John Brantley. Poor, poor Mullet, getting stuck with such horrible talent that he had to transform.

Mullet worked at MSU for 9 years. Now we can analyze a track record that includes BOTH "handpicking" and "developing". Remember, this is the magical time when Mullet transformed a bunch of 2-star QBs into "serviceable" QBs in the SEC-SEC-SEC. Except...never happened. The only consensus 2-star QB that Mullet signed at MSU was named Favre, who was only signed after Mullet whiffed on getting his former "handpicked" 5-star Cam Newton as a JuCo transfer. However, Mullet did sign a bunch of 3-star and 4-star QBs, the only one of which he "developed" into anything decent was Dak Prescott. Many of the others transferred out of MSU.

And now Mullet has been at UF for 2+ years. He didn't "handpick" 4-star Franks. He didn't "handpick" 3-star Trash. He did handpick 4-star Emory Jones. He did handpick 3-star *** offender Jalon Jones. And he handpicked 4-star Anthony Richardson. So far, no draft picks. It could still happen, though.

So, to summarize, the Myth of Mullet Da Gawd Who Handpicks AND Develops For Five Years is just a load of crap. Gaytor fans who are SO desperate to slag Riley for "only" working with transfer QBs who he turns into Heisman winners in 3 years are busy deifying a guy for spending 2 years at Bowling Green, 2 years at Utah, 4 years at UF (where he developed, really, only Teblow), 9 years at MSU (where he developed, really, only Prescott), and now 2 years at UF (where he has developed no one yet).

Yeah, Mullet is better than Riley...only in the minds of Gaytor homers.

You ought to know after all this time that these ufag numbnuts NEVER let facts get in the way of their endless stupidity..
I’d prefer cooney to keep his mouth shut honestly. Unless they are really that confident that Lashlee and king are the real deal together and we’re gonna win some games and land this kid

While there's a part of me that enjoys seeing our staff openly clowning Gator staff members, I agree
So many turncoat local kids who go up to turdville for their public education and are suddenly UiF fans. ******* sickening, but I'd never want that sort of "fan" in orange and green any way.
A buddy of mine from high school who grew up a big Miami fan went to UF for school. Moved back to south Florida and is still a UM fan. I know another dude who would wear his Santana Moss jersey to class in Tallahassee. Me and the entire crew who goes to games with me went to UCF. For a lot of us public education is the only way we could get a college degree. If you grew up a Miami fan, you don't change your allegiance just because you took some classes at another school.