Tears Gator Tears

You gals are slipping no new laughing material this fine morning. Maybe the reality of you guys class crashing and burning yet again is finally sinking in. Lmao bunch of cucks never learn you just take it. The true definition.


You gals are slipping no new laughing material this fine morning. Maybe the reality of you guys class crashing and burning yet again is finally sinking in. Lmao bunch of cucks never learn you just take it. The true definition.




it's not about me it's about the team

I know bubala. I just can't resist with that Eva Green face.
You gals are slipping no new laughing material this fine morning. Maybe the reality of you guys class crashing and burning yet again is finally sinking in. Lmao bunch of cucks never learn you just take it. The true definition.


Welcome to the BAND gaytor BIOTCH LOLOLOL
Here's to Cam Newton and Auburn hopefully giving us more Gayturd tears:


Yo Smurphy... You look desperate as fuq. The other day you were bragging about trolling Miami's 247 board over Randy Russell. Now look atcha:

Yeah, definitely don't want Fields at FSU.

Let him go to Auburn and torch Saban on a yearly basis with a periodic stomping of the Turds whenever they do cross conference play
Yeah, definitely don't want Fields at FSU.

Let him go to Auburn and torch Saban on a yearly basis with a periodic stomping of the Turds whenever they do cross conference play

If he goes to UF he'll suck, that's just how big of an abortion that O corching staff is.
Talk about Gator Tears that are coming. Derrick Hunter was in Gainesville 2 days ago and committed to Miami today.
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Not to focus on it but look who's creeping up in the rankings for 2019:


2018... Not a Gayturd in sight:


Like way outta sight:

Stole this from Derick Hunter thread LCL

2019 ATH Derick Hunter Jr. in no rush to commit despite heavy interest from Gators - Gator Prospectus

But let them tell the story and they'll tell you "we weren't even recruiting the kid"

EzCane hope you can see this from the band room, I anxiously await to hear the bevy of excuses you're going to unleash upon your inevitable return under a different username

Jeez... That article has him all Gayturd including quotes of him wanting to lock in with the turds. Assuming he really said that, what the **** happened on his June 6th visit in Shîtsville?
They're busy getting bent over by the Dawgs and the Semenholes on the Fields/QB issue:
