Tears Gator Tears


@RVACane didn't want to steal your thunder brother but there was too many years to pass up. Btw my screenshots aren't as good as yours because well let's face it the commentary on them is top notch.
You’re doing exactly what I want! Please do it more often. I can’t always be here and it made me happy to see someone else doing the lord’s work.

From Gators 247 board.

Those jort wearers are really gullible. First, they think Mulletttttt is telling the truth about Steele, Huggers and other topics, and now they think Manny is being 100% honest about practice. I have a bridge for them, it will take them to the promised land......
These idiot Gaytor fans think that the world is the same as it was 10 years ago. Talking about "arrests" in a generic fashion. Oooh, UGa had more "arrests" than the Gaytors did.

But here is the reality.

In the past 10 years, we have seen a rise in legal medical and recreational marijuana use. When a football player "gets arrested" for marijuana, it simply is not viewed as earth-shaking any longer.

Also in the past 10 years (and the past 2 years) there has been a rise in awareness when it comes to domestic violence and sexual violence. The MeToo Movement happened. Rapeis Winston happened. Ray Rice happened. And, today, when a football player "gets arrested" for domestic violence or sexual violence, it is a MUCH BIGGER DEAL.

But, yeah, Gaytors want to have a comparison on "number of arrests". Means nothing. Today we care about seriousness of the arrests.

Additionally, I have NO IDEA why the Gaytors think they have unlimited IC slots. They had a Signing Class of 25 last year, and only ONE "might not" count against 2019 (Wardrick Wilson, Visa issue). The just took the LSU and UGa transfers; Greenard also transferred in 2019. So that is 27 guys they are trying to push through IC numbers for 2019, even if they manage to count a few back.

EDIT: Don't pull a bonehead move and just assume that the Gaytors are OK because they had an 18 person signing class in 2018, they also took multiple transfers such as Shuler, Grimes, and Jefferson.
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Can anyone tell me when we came up with a "new offense"? Last I checked, we still run pro-style, and we still have a QB, 1-2 RBs, 1-2 TEs, and a few WRs. We have a new OC, fair enough. And he has brought some new plays, true. But we have not installed a "new offense".
Can anyone tell me when we came up with a "new offense"? Last I checked, we still run pro-style, and we still have a QB, 1-2 RBs, 1-2 TEs, and a few WRs. We have a new OC, fair enough. And he has brought some new plays, true. But we have not installed a "new offense".

I don't even mind calling it a new offense. It's just odd to argue that having a "new offense" is going to be a detriment. They are saying we'd be better off running what Richt ran last year?
There literally isn't a single fan in the country, if given a choice between running Richt's offense Game 1 or a "new offense" Game 1, wouldn't choose the new offense. Even with all the growing pains a new offense might bring.