Gaby on roster retention...

i'm not sure we are going to find out, but we have a short list here. they left because of (a) lack of talent or (b) culture (troublemakers or not willing to work hard).

1/7/2022 Silvera
2/14/2022 Larry Hodges
4/13/2022 Austin-Cave
4/29/2022 Worsham, Troutman,Cameron Williams
8/20/2022 Marcus Clarke
Only 7 kids transferred out prior to Season 1

11/16/2022 Frierson
12/1 2022 Blades
12/5/2022 Avantae Williams, Dunson, Jalen Harrell, KeyShawn Smith, Thad Franklin, Elijah Roberts, Keshawn Washington, Alan Haye
12/6/2022 Jordan Miller
12/7/2022 Darrell Jackson, Knighton
12/8/2022 Brinson
12/13/2022 Khamauri Rogers
12/16/2022 John Campbell
12/20/2022 Avery Huff
01/17/2023 Jake Garcia, Jakai Clark
However, 19 kids transferred out after Season 1 and before Spring Camp

04/15/2023 Kahlil Brantley
04/19/2023 Ishmael
Only 2 kids transferred out during/after camp prior to portal shutting down again

Troutman for one lol ... The chatter on here in terms of character included Silvera (willing to do the work but not necessarily to listen to new staff and be a leader in the locker room), Clarke (wanted to start not willing to prepare like a starter), Avantae (multiple), Thaddeus (lack of effort), Brinson (frustrated at being buried in the depth chart), Rogers (wanted to play but didn't follow his development plan).

Not sure how much of that was rumor or fact. But there was definitely an undertone of kids that weren't buying into Mario's highly structured and highly rigorous approach. I think most of the kids that leave going forward will leave due to being passed up on the depth charts, not lack of effort or bad attitude.
I suspected more would leave. Not sure how i feel about it. On one hand, it tells me kids are buying in and on the other, I would like to see some leave because they won’t see the field and I want change.
Agree, but will we not have some kids graduate in May and maybe just leave the program? I sure hope so if they are not going to see the field.
I guess their moms didn't want to pick them up
Hold On Wait GIF by MOODMAN
Hurry Up Waiting GIF by Desiigner
Im Sorry What GIF by Sara Dietschy
Mom's P/U?????
Just win... been saying it for 20 years... no more off-season titles, show me the baby don't want to hear about the labor pains. Broken clock is right twice a day....rant over... carry on
I actually didn’t want to retain the 2 deep

Are we to believe that the entire CULTURE narrative just applied to a few guys that didn’t play ruining the team?

This doesn’t jive for me with all the excuses we were given on why we were so terrible

To Mario's credit, unlike with prior coaches, he didn't ACTUALLY PLAY the guys who were undermining the culture.

Sometimes I think people believe that the "culture problems" are guys who play in most of the games. Not always true.

On last year's team, we had a lot of problems with laziness and not doing what the coaches asked (yes, including simple things like running on and off the field). Those guys were largely benched in 2022, so while they might not have contributed STATS to our 5-7 season, they were THERE, and they are now "addition by subtraction".

Nearly every guy who's on the team now has bought in to the new culture. I don't know if that alone can win us 10 games, but I don't think you're going to see any quitting like we saw in the F$U game.
You could be right

I don’t want to mistake my post for a “mope” I would have to go back and check, there’s been so much movement I’ve checked out a bit

I’m with the point of we did hang on to a core group of players that we will be relying on but same time it doesn’t really jive with what we were told about needing to overhaul the roster

I could be wrong though

"Overhaul the roster" doesn't mean "replace everybody". This isn't Colorado. And Coach Neon would have been better off keeping some of the guys he never gave a chance to.
To Mario's credit, unlike with prior coaches, he didn't ACTUALLY PLAY the guys who were undermining the culture.

Sometimes I think people believe that the "culture problems" are guys who play in most of the games. Not always true.

On last year's team, we had a lot of problems with laziness and not doing what the coaches asked (yes, including simple things like running on and off the field). Those guys were largely benched in 2022, so while they might not have contributed STATS to our 5-7 season, they were THERE, and they are now "addition by subtraction".

Nearly every guy who's on the team now has bought in to the new culture. I don't know if that alone can win us 10 games, but I don't think you're going to see any quitting like we saw in the F$U game.
So kids couldn’t perform on the field because some kids on the bench were bad for culture?

We quit on the field because the backups were bad guys?

That just doesn’t make any sense to me but alright
I do also agree that purging and flipping the roster isn’t ideal either. Mario puts in work on the recruiting trail so this will take a couple of years

A solid showing this season and the portal will be easier

It wasn’t just that we had a bad record it was the regression and futility we showed on the field

But anyway, you know all this stuff haha

Many players were quiet-quitting all year long.

Half the corches quit mid-year (Gattis never showed up, he was too busy chasing tail).
Many players were quiet-quitting all year long.

Half the corches quit mid-year (Gattis never showed up, he was too busy chasing tail).
Fair enough

Seems pretty weak all around but it’s really the only explanation for such pathetic performances
So kids couldn’t perform on the field because some kids on the bench were bad for culture?

We quit on the field because the backups were bad guys?

That just doesn’t make any sense to me but alright

Again, you're doing the exact wrong thing. Attributing everything to "bench" kids and "backups".

Re-read what I said. Many of the guys who were "benched" had been expected to be starters. Under prior coaching regimes, they probably would have played a lot more in 2022. Because they had "talent". But Mario didn't let them play at all, or benched them when they showed bad attitude. If you want to call Allan Haye a "kid on the bench" or a "backup", fine.

But do you really think that Thad and Jaylan and Avantae and the WRs who left were "some kids on the bench" or "backups"? They were guys we WANTED to start and NEEDED to start, but Mario chose not to reward poor behavior and/or attitude.
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Fair enough

Seems pretty weak all around but it’s really the only explanation for such pathetic performances

Honest question. Were you at the Georgia Tech game? At that point, the season was over, and all the players who cared enough to play hard just wanted to win. Jacurri was pretty terrible in the stats sheet, and we still won.

After the game, all of the alums and fans behind the bench and in the end zone stayed to cheer, and it was amazing to see the looks on some of the players' faces. Honest to god, you could see a difference. I watched certain players walk off the field and go into the locker room, while the ones who fought hard were out there high-fiving fans and enjoying the (brief) period of fan support.

Keep in mind, that was right after one of the WORST team-quit performances I've seen at UM in 40 years. The only thing comparable to that HORRIBLE Homecoming 2022 game against F$U was the final game in the old Orange Bowl against UVa.

And a week after the Homecoming disaster, the players who CARED put up a great effort on the road in Atlanta.

You can't paint 85 guys with the same broad brush. Some care more, some quit on us.
Again, you're doing the exact wrong thing. Attributing everything to "bench" kids and "backups".

Re-read what I said. Many of the guys who were "benched" had been expected to be starters. Under prior coaching regimes, they probably would have played a lot more in 2022. Because they had "talent". But Mario didn't let them play at all, or benched them when they showed bad attitude.

Do you really think that Thad and Jaylan and Avantae and the WRs who left were "some kids on the bench" or "backups"? They were guys we WANTED to start and NEEDED to start, but Mario chose not to reward poor behavior and/or attitude.
Doesn’t matter how many times you say it, it sounds like a lame *** excuse
Doesn’t matter how many times you say it, it sounds like a lame *** excuse

I don't give a **** what it sounds like, it's the truth. That's what happened.

What is your alternate "non lame *** excuse" reason? Why do you think that so many 4-star guys that were expected to start at UM have been jettisoned, with some not even finding new schools yet?

I know you're going to try to knee-jerk to "they weren't as talented as we thought they were", but that's not true. Jaylan and Thad and Avantae and others made some great plays in practice. And then acted like children at other times.

So they're gone now. Why is that so hard to grasp? Talented players who were pushed to the bench and then allowed to walk away, because they were a large piece of the cultural problem.

Ask people what Mario saw the first time he walked into the player locker room.
I don't give a **** what it sounds like, it's the truth. That's what happened.

What is your alternate "non lame *** excuse" reason? Why do you think that so many 4-star guys that were expected to start at UM have been jettisoned, with some not even finding new schools yet?

I know you're going to try to knee-jerk to "they weren't as talented as we thought they were", but that's not true. Jaylan and Thad and Avantae and others made some great plays in practice. And then acted like children at other times.

So they're gone now. Why is that so hard to grasp? Talented players who were pushed to the bench and then allowed to walk away, because they were a large piece of the cultural problem.

Ask people what Mario saw the first time he walked into the player locker room.
You do realize that no matter how many times you say something and try and make it seem like it’s the truth someone can still understand you completely and go “I disagree”

So why don’t you just shut the **** up already?
Again, you're doing the exact wrong thing. Attributing everything to "bench" kids and "backups".

Re-read what I said. Many of the guys who were "benched" had been expected to be starters. Under prior coaching regimes, they probably would have played a lot more in 2022. Because they had "talent". But Mario didn't let them play at all, or benched them when they showed bad attitude. If you want to call Allan Haye a "kid on the bench" or a "backup", fine.

But do you really think that Thad and Jaylan and Avantae and the WRs who left were "some kids on the bench" or "backups"? They were guys we WANTED to start and NEEDED to start, but Mario chose not to reward poor behavior and/or attitude.
Yeah, and lost to MTSU and Duke. I'd rather a coach teach and mentor the talented headaches than lose with Eagle Scouts.

Hopefully longterm this works. TBD.
You do realize that no matter how many times you say something and try and make it seem like it’s the truth someone can still understand you completely and go “I disagree”

So why don’t you just shut the **** up already?

Aw, don't cry.

You didn't say you disagreed. You kept yammering on with "that's a weak *** excuse" when that's what actually happened.

But, yeah, keep constructing that alternate reality where "the backups" were all untalented hacks who didn't impact the team culture at all.