Funny to me


National recruiting= National Titles.

Every Playoff contending team in the Nation recruits Nationally, Miami should be no different.

If South FL players want to change the outlook of Miami recruiting, then they should commit & get on board.

The days of chasing after them only to be left at the altar with no options at the last minute are over.

Either get on the train or move the fck out the way, those are the choices.

this. :100:

people are often confused.

yes, south florida is the BEST place to recruit in the country, but that doesn't mean it's the ONLY place to recruit.

these cats better recorgnize!

Yea that's a fair criticism and i probably shouldn't have said it that way. What I should have said is that a ton of them would have been better served going to better schools that developed them better than the coaches we had and the parents should've sent them there cause Miami wasn't investing enough in them or in the program. And fans always blame the kids for not coming here instead of realizing it wasn't the best place for many of those kids.

I’m with you about not blaming the players. I know you didn’t mean anything malicious, it’s just the way it was phrased.

But I think recruiting was the source of our problems, not that I’m putting that on the kids, it’s just that we missed out on a lot of talent in the last 15 years. Mainly due to poor evaluations and just not being able to attract top-notch talent.

I’m sure development could’ve been better, but a lot of the players that came here, if they would’ve gone somewhere else, I don’t know that their draft stock would’ve been improved significantly, but maybe that’s just me. Also, thanks for not taking it personally.
I’m with you about not blaming the players. I know you didn’t mean anything malicious, it’s just the way it was phrased.

But I think recruiting was the source of our problems, not that I’m putting that on the kids, it’s just that we missed out on a lot of talent in the last 15 years. Mainly due to poor evaluations and just not being able to attract top-notch talent.

I’m sure development could’ve been better, but a lot of the players that came here, if they would’ve gone somewhere else, I don’t know that their draft stock would’ve been improved significantly, but maybe that’s just me. Also, thanks for not taking it personally.
No worries man. I"m sure evaluation was a big part simply cause bad coaches are bad generally in several areas, including talent evaluation. But you gotta imagine a bunch of them also just didn't develop enough cause the coaches we had didn't demand more and more. We need guys like Jimmy that will drive them to be their best and hopefully we are there now.
Like i said the problem with our past staff was their net was too small. Kids had no competition for spots. Now if you a DE and know Mpemba, Wayne, Hicks etc all are serious about Miami, that's something you think about. Same goes for the WRs. Its not that the kids didnt value a Miami offer, they didnt have a reason to be urgent about it. Things have changed, and they need to know. Get your visits done, narrow down your list and make decisions because other players will and u may be left out. Its that simple. Some kids we gonna wait on, as long as they are honest and understand, we are also gonna go after kids still.
We got Texas A&M signing 25 blue chip d lineman in a 3 year span and still see d line recruits flocking there in bulk, yet they’re worried about miami recruiting nationally?

We got a long road ahead of us to change this bull**** narrative. I’m worried we’re looking at a 5-10 year battle to rid of it

I like to give the mirrored cousin (L.A) viewpoint to put in perspective b/c SC & The U, while different, both share some of the same problems. When SC rolls, they clean up. When they don’t, outsiders come & poach. When we roll, we clean up. When we don’t, outsiders come & poach.

If Manny, albeit in large part due to Covid, can pull a couple of five star blue chip So Fla kids, I’m sure Mario will in a blink. The problem is, we’ve been saddled w/ **** poor results both on & off the field for almost 2 decades. Even w/ A&M chitty results, this hurt my heart after talking to my boy who played on the Run DMC Arkansas team 3 nights ago:

Since 2010, we’ve won 10+ games once, 1 bowl game (0 NY6), 1 Divisional Title, 6 first round picks

Since 2010, A&M have won 10+ games once, 7 bowl games (2 NY6), 1 Divisional Title, 9 first round picks

These stats of horrors will be a thing of the past; if A&M don’t go to at least the SECCG this yr, I believe we’ll see a big blow up. I give it two yrs tops for us to change our fortunes, & these jits minds changing.
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I've found it unusual how many So Fl kids are looking at Ohio State this cycle. Didn't make sense to me..Why Columbus with all the other high profile programs that are closer to home, and less of a culture shock. Then I saw this...Coincidence?

I've found it unusual how many So Fl kids are looking at Ohio State this cycle. Didn't make sense to me..Why Columbus with all the other high profile programs that are closer to home, and less of a culture shock. Then I saw this...Coincidence?

Columbus isn’t Miami, but Columbus is the biggest city in all of OH. It’s closer to Miami than a ton of these places.
I spoke with a couple of SFL recruits and parents last night. They mentioned they felt like Miami was recruiting out of state kids "harder" than some local guys. I asked if these same kids felt like other schools were out recruiting Miami for them and they all responded no...

I stayed silent for a few and said so we are recruiting you harder than other schools but you are "concerned" we are pursuing out of state talent harder. The two parents laughed. I told them we are a national brand and kids need to get used to not being the only game in town. Mario is here to win and he is going to win big. It ended up being enlightening and good not negative hence why I titled funny to me. Times are changing and I fully expect more urgency for that U committable offer in the coming classes.
You, may man, are doing some solid work.

Well done.

National recruiting= National Titles.

Every Playoff contending team in the Nation recruits Nationally, Miami should be no different.

If South FL players want to change the outlook of Miami recruiting, then they should commit & get on board.

The days of chasing after them only to be left at the altar with no options at the last minute are over.

Either get on the train or move the fck out the way, those are the choices.
And a parade. Don’t forget the parade.
I've found it unusual how many So Fl kids are looking at Ohio State this cycle. Didn't make sense to me..Why Columbus with all the other high profile programs that are closer to home, and less of a culture shock. Then I saw this...Coincidence?

This cycle? You should have started paying attention 20 years ago.