Jimbo's schtick is wearing thin. A little solid intel. Jimbo is starting to rub a growing number of influential boosters the wrong way. His relationship with Spetman is atrocious. I mean atrocious. He berates the guy all the time (one story I heard was simply beyond the pale, especially considering the fact that Spetman is technically his boss). His coaching staff cannot stand him. His wife is awfully entitled as well, and she is burning bridges. From several major insiders, they think there is no way he's at FSU more than two years. They think he will jump at the first SEC opportunity, and he was recently threatening to "look around" if his agreement is not reworked. He thinks he deserves Saban money. It's only a matter of time until this sentiment spreads to the high school coaches and Jimbo gets exposed. Be patient, dear sirs, Golden will soon be King.