WTF is wrong with you? You made so many opinion statements that you tried to pass off as factual that I now queston your sanilty. I made need
@JamesQuall to place you under arrest and Baker Act you.
Here's a list of the boatload of players we aren't losing, unless they portal out or declare early:
Isaiah Horton
Riley Williams
Ny Carr
Jordan Lyle
Ajay Allen
Justin Scott
Armondo Blount
That lunacy you refer to regardng hanging 50-60 on FSU wasn't really that far off. We scored on 7 of our 8 possessions. They played a super soft defense all night which meant we needed to run the ball as they had 6+ in coverage most of the night (aka, not putting 7+ in the box) and that's exactly what we did. And we ran it right up their ole Gazoo. Had we scored TDs rather than FGs, we hang 49 on them. I would be willing to let this slide because ifs and buts.... but then you went off the grid with your commentary about Lagway (how do you know he's incredibly gifted?) and even moreso the "young Freshman FSU (QB)" that you would "take over anybody we have except Cam of course." Are you fcking kidding me? BOTH of FSU's QBs sucked. Kromenhoek was 6/14 and Brock Glenn was 5/18 against our non-All ACC secondary. That's 11/32 combined and included several awful misses that made Jacurri Brown and Kirby Freeman look like Tom Brady.
And then the bit about UF and FSU won't be down much longer? Based on what? Wind direction? Morning erection? Motion detection? I'm out of things that rhyme with "ection," but it sure isn't based on their projected recruiting classes or the non-development of their players. I am glad though thet you're enjoying this season. Based upon this analysis, I can tell.