fsu encouraged shavar to "play the game" according to espn

**** fsu playing chess


At least theydidnt out smart coach MR that boyknew SM was playing games,left his *** at the bus stop too
That whole **** is being overblown....crootin is such bullshyt. Im tellin you for a fact J Rock was literally scared that Shavar wasnt going to chose FSU...Ive had numerous conversations with the man...... bunch of exaggerations and mistruths going on....On the other hand I cant wait to bust his **** when they come here. J ROck will be in the building and Ill be more than glad to introduce this ****got to you guys at the game
FSU has been doing that game for a long time.
If a player is a strong lean to FSU and suddenly wants to commit to your team be suspicious.

R.Buchannon is the only only one I can recall that did it for us...but that was to take the local pressure off him not try to mess with their class.

Richt gets it for sure. As he said in the presser, a verbal commit to coaches should indicate nothing but the very beginning of that recruitment.

I use to feel this way, back in the day. While I still hate the gators, I no longer respect FSU. The length they go through to let criminals continue playing is not worthy of ANY respect. They cover crimes, over and over, and they deserve any measure of respect? I sure as **** don't think so.
Hate the Gators with a Passion I respect Fla State though
Typical FSU trash. They did the same thing under Bowden when they had those monster finishes. They would encourage kids they know were locks to commit to rival schools and tie up a spot and ***** up their numbers while being silently committed to FSU all along. I don't even give a **** about Manuel, said as much on here when he committed. He's an overweight scrub who doesn't even start on his own HS team. And **** FSU as always.
Miami turning away a midweek by Manuel makes more sense now.

Richt ain't playin' games.
That whole **** is being overblown....crootin is such bullshyt. Im tellin you for a fact J Rock was literally scared that Shavar wasnt going to chose FSU...Ive had numerous conversations with the man...... bunch of exaggerations and mistruths going on....

Did he also tell you about a cousin of his who is a Prince in Nigeria?
LOL at you believing that his piece of his excrement nephew (or whatever he is) was torn between those two trailerpark schools.

It sounds like that young trash chose the right school at the end of the day as their DNAs match.
Lol, f_ck the gators, I respect Fsu a lot more than them since they ain't scared to play us

One of the biggest myths among many Cane fans is this unearned respect some of them have for fsu because they "kept us" on their schedule, as if they had some brotherly love for UM.
Truth is they kept us on their schedule and got us into the ACC for recruiting reasons.....wanting us around them so they can poach our backyard is nothing that any self-respecting Cane should admire...they are scumbags, even to a larger degree than the folks in Gaynesville.

gators are always far worse in eyes of any long time Canes fans and its not even close.

It's the 21st century, we can all multitask in our hatred for programs and, to be honest, FSU is the bigger pile of excrement.