Francis Mauigoa Film Review : #1 OT In The Nation Commits (bump on page 42 from Pate interview)

Unfortunately just conversations I’ve had. But some of these churches down south along with some of those pop up strip mall worship centers have only one prayer….Roll Tide.
thanks for clarification.

it's easy for allegations to be dead wrong, as we've seen from all the allegations about us.

are you willing to share at least how they allege it works, especially since you said its 100% true?

I'd love details!

There are no “good”articles on cheating! It’s true and it’s still happening to this very day. I’m an Auburn Alum and I know Auburn has been doing it since the mid 80’s! It’s real and it’s foolish to think other wise. More than one way to skin a kat…
I'm confused on mechanically how this would even work. Can you shed light on the details/procedures?
There are no “good”articles on cheating! It’s true and it’s still happening to this very day. I’m an Auburn Alum and I know Auburn has been doing it since the mid 80’s! It’s real and it’s foolish to think other wise. More than one way to skin a kat…
I know they've been paying players. that's a duh. but this narrative of through churches is one I can't figure out way they'd add a middle person. and you don't seem to know any details that would make the church's part understandable

I used to go see them at the Miami Beach Convention Center when I was a kid. We always sat in the back due to being cheaper seats. Then my uncle got us 2nd row and we saw Dusty Rhodes take on someone(maybe Gary Hart or the Shiek) I can't remember. So they're fighting right in front of us and I see Dusty in a head lock pull something out of his pants and wipe his forehead. It was a blood packet. I realized then at 8 years old it was all fake. Never went to a wrestling match again. I was so bummed. LOL
You sure it wasn’t a blade? Dusty was the king of the blade job and that’s why his forehead looked the way it did