Abdullah The Butcher is hated to this day by many of the legends. Dude would carry blades in his pants, and he’d cut the other wrestlers repeatedly. Apparently, some of them had told him before the match that they didn’t agree to being cut, but he would do it anyways. The dude was a madman.

Can’t quite recall who it was, but one of the legends apparently told him that they would kill him after he cut them in a match.
There was also real heat between a lot of these guys. The British Bulldogs were @$$holes, and would not hold back when in the ring. They were really hitting people and injuring them. If you ever have a chance, look up their real life feud with the Canadian legends The Rougeau Brothers.
Davey Boy Smith was known for getting the Dynamite Kid worked up by telling him that another wrestler had said something derogatory about him/them (which was almost always bullshyt), knowing that the Dynamite Kid had a real bad temper and could fight. Dynamite would then usually go off on whoever it was and beat the **** out of them. They played all kinds of messed up pranks on other wrestlers.
But it wound up really bad for them. Look up the story, and you’ll see what I mean.
Also, I highly recommend you look up the interview between Roddy Piper and Jake “The Snake” Roberts, where Jake tells stories about the British Bulldogs. You’ll laugh your *** off.
Sid Vicious and Arn Anderson got into it one night at their hotel on the road and got into a brawl. Arn cut Sid up with a pair of scissors real bad, but Sid ****ed him up anyways, even though he wound up having to be transported to the hospital with serious injuries. Dude was a savage.
The nicest but pound-for-pound real life tough guy that ever wrestled was Haku. Everyone was either terrified of him or really respected him. Nasty Boy Brian Knobbs says that they were at a bar one night and a whole group of marines ***ked with Haku. Apparently when Haku would drink, he would become unstoppable. He took out like 10 Marines before anyone could jump in to help him.
His cousin (The Barbarian), is the only other guy that I’ve heard was as tough as him, with Ron Simmons the next toughest.