2024 Flip Watch Thread: Mario "We Have a Lot of Guys We're Fixin' to Flip"


Just sharing what I know from someone close to him and his family
It is what it is till it ain’t.
I’ll never underestimate recruiting, I’ve seen it all.

I also think any players family would say that, because he’s literally committed, until he decides (not saying I think he will) obviously he’s going to OSU.
So why is he considering FSU since we out performed them in every offensive category this year with all of TVD's blunders?
See they say wins, but it ain’t about wins. Everyone knows that… What if Miami had the #1 defense in America like Iowa and won 10 but averaged 12PPG, he’d want to come here?

That’s never been the situation. Jj wants to make sure he’s developed and used correctly. Dawson can guarantee that…. Just need the QB
Still can’t believe we have any chance at JS unless Mario can guarantee him who our QB gonna be….he’s not coming here to play with Emory.

Which is what scares me when it comes to Mario and quick decisions or lack of quickness of them..
feel like the staff is letting the transfer players announce now to still give the high school kids their moment leading up to ESD

cook later tonight or tomorrow? carpenter tomorrow, maybe ward Monday,
I bet theyll try to land a kid a night and a couple on signing day