Fletcher’s dad passed away

If he plays, I'm sure the team rallies around him. But, TBH, I wouldn't blame him one bit if he decided not to play.
Yeah it really sucks, but there's plenty that is more important than ball at the end of the day. If he needs to just be with family I'm sure the team has his back. Might be inappropriate but worth considering highlighting pops and giving him a moment of honor on the big screen if that is something Mark and the family would appreciate this weekend.
Thoughts and prayers are all good but only way Fletch sees them is if he is on CIS but I know we have some true insiders on the board, is there something we could do a bit more tangible?

I am open to suggestions but I am thinking like something in his locker, donation to a charity his dad was involved in, maybe some meals delivered to his moms and family as I am sure the last thing they want to do right now is cook. Just want to show the young man the fans are behind him and support him. Its a brotherhood.

@DMoney @Brooklyndee
Awful. RIP, Mark Fletcher Sr. May your legacy live on through those you loved and loved you back.