Five-star WR JoJo Trader commits to Miami

The enemy knew we'd call in air support and/or artillery, so their trick was to get real close to us, knowing we couldn't hit them with the big stuff. Most everyone called in strikes by grid coordinates as close as they dared - and walked it outward.

No one OK'd it. I just happened to be the one on the set on the point.

I did it in reverse. I started well outside and noted how accurate and where the incoming was impacting, and then gradually walked it in - not fearful of short rounds landing among us like others feared. I could see where it impacted. I knew.

Just keep walking it in - and soon enough - it was ripping or smoking the enemy in spite of being close. That way, no one got out alive.

Except us.

I just didn't have time to explain to everyone what I was going to do . . . so they were really PO'd until it was over.

And saw the results.
Yet another reason why I would be fascinated talking to certain people who frequent this forum. I can only dare to imagine some of the stories you have inside your cranium.

Did they ask you to teach your technique?

Yet another reason why I would be fascinated talking to certain people who frequent this forum. I can only dare to imagine some of the stories you have inside your cranium.

Did they ask you to teach your technique?

I've been the keynote speaker at a number of Special Operations functions - even addressing TACP's - and yeah - I shared some things to save them a lot of grief. No use having to re-learn lessons already learned the hard way - each time we get into a scrap. Some little "tricks of the trade." Simple things. Well, simple once you hear them!

I once cleared 88 bunkers with a five gallon tank of propane and an extended filler hose I had flown out - and 88 grenades. What wasn't flash fried was asphyxiated. Took out a few guys with a Juicy Fruit Chewing gum wrapper. Others with two plastic spoons. How to work angles. Sleep with your boots ON in combat zone - as milliseconds can mean the difference between living and assuming ambient temperature. Creative use of det cord with prisoners. Not in the manuals - but do work.

How to neutralize a venomous snake/spider bite in ten seconds. Things like that.

I can't sing or dance - but no one fell asleep on me!

Sorry. I'm way off topic!
I've been the keynote speaker at a number of Special Operations functions - even addressing TACP's - and yeah - I shared some things to save them a lot of grief. No use having to re-learn lessons already learned the hard way - each time we get into a scrap. Some little "tricks of the trade." Simple things. Well, simple once you hear them!

I once cleared 88 bunkers with a five gallon tank of propane and an extended filler hose I had flown out - and 88 grenades. What wasn't flash fried was asphyxiated. Took out a few guys with a Juicy Fruit Chewing gum wrapper. Others with two plastic spoons. How to work angles. Sleep with your boots ON in combat zone - as milliseconds can mean the difference between living and assuming ambient temperature. Creative use of det cord with prisoners. Not in the manuals - but do work.

How to neutralize a venomous snake/spider bite in ten seconds. Things like that.

I can't sing or dance - but no one fell asleep on me!

Sorry. I'm way off topic!
Is this you neutralizing a venomous snake?

Knock Out Work GIF
James was a top 5 player in the nation. It felt different. It seems Dmoney and the staff knew knew Trader committed for a couple of days now. James called Manny and Banda the same day he committed to us. Nobody saw it coming, including our own staff.

[BGCOLOR=initial]I've never done coke before but I imagine the feeling must've been close to what we were feeling when we landed James. Lol[/BGCOLOR]
I know one of the services had Pope as a 5. But maybe not composite. Either way, it didnt pan out. None of the stars mean didlydoo if we dont develop them and put them in a position to let the natural talent shine in a good offense.
Pope just wasn’t that good. It wouldn’t have mattered where he went. He just wasn’t a natural receiver. He was stiff and robotic. It also took him a while to get to top speed. And on top of that, he couldn’t make contested catches. Just a bad eval all around.

And to add insult to injury we passed on Elijah Moore.
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I know one of the services had Pope as a 5. But maybe not composite. Either way, it didnt pan out. None of the stars mean didlydoo if we dont develop them and put them in a position to let the natural talent shine in a good offense.
He was a 5 Star on NACS
This kid pulling the banana in the tailpipe on us? Different bread these days.