Five-star WR JoJo Trader commits to Miami

FWIW Jeremiah Smith is the only noncommit Hayesfawcett tagged on traders commitment post👀
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Please… tell me about the smell of fresh napalm in the morning…. Do you like it???

It's . . . the smell of purification. Fresh charcoal . . . clean.

I called it in once - ONCE - everyone was madder than hail at me, because my idea of "close" was somewhat underappreciated - every exposed hair on us - was singed, and when you'd rub your hand over it - most of it was powder.

They thought it could never get worse - but then I called in artillery.

During debriefing - we got replacements and the CO had me stand. He pointed me out and said if they ever saw me calling in support - to RUN. That it didn't even matter which direction . . .
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It's . . . the smell of purification. Fresh charcoal . . . clean.

I called it in once - ONCE - everyone was madder than hail at me, because my idea of "close" was somewhat underappreciated - every exposed hair on us - was singed, and when you'd rub your hand over it - most of it was powder.

They thought it could never get worse - but then I called in artillery.

During debriefing - we got replacements and the CO had me stand. He pointed me out and said if they ever say me calling in support - to RUN. That it didn't even matter which direction . . .
Are you serious?
Sorry I was just shocked; it was cool to read. Thank you for your service.

Just took my turn.

Nothing many others didn't do.

But thanks.

A sidenote I'll never forget - I was an accidental participant in "borrowing" the 1st Cav general's jeep. I was innocent. Well, not innocent, but unaware. It was the only one with the keys in it. Got caught bringing it back from the AF NCO Club by MP's.

When he turned to the Command Sergeant Major and asked him what he thought should happen - "Just shoot them, sir! Make an example!" :oops: General looked like he was thinking about it - and told us we WILL "donate" one month's jump pay to our Company Fund.

And he further stated that "Now get out of my sight. If I ever hear your names again - they better be on the casualty list."

D***, he was a good General! I had him in two separate units - in O Co. Arctic Rangers and H Co. Rangers, 1st Cav.

Fun times!
This was my post in the other Jojo thread. @DMoney mentioned that Central and Heritage game on the Jojo commitment video last night. Trader had his way with Damari Brown and Jacolby Spells that night as a sophomore. That was my first time seeing him play and he stood out that night.