2023 Five-Star IMG OL Francis Mauigoa... (Announcing July 4th at 3 pm EST COMMITS!!)

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Let’s make this happen Mr.Mauigoa you will be considered one of the cornerstone recruits for the future and will be what I’m told one of the most elite recruits ever in Miami history🙏🏻❤️🦍

Note: Just the fact that we are solidly on this kids A list shows how far Mario has gotten this whole thing so so much better in such a short time.

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So pundits what percentage do you give Miami of landing this kid ? Tennessee board talking confidently that he’s coming to rocky mountaintop ?
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The ignorance of this board is outstanding. The reference of inbreds is absolute garbage and pathetic chatter. Go get a life. My cousins were raised in TN and both of them have international jobs that are financially rewarding. I'm sure both of them make more money than ten of you morons put together. Oh they speak several languages and are not inbreds. Stop with the BS and nonsense because you make yourself sound like uneducated peons.
Are your cousins also your uncle's? Do your cousins chew tabbaca & spit into a cup? The same cup they sip their moonshine out of? If not well then congrats they are in the 1%
The ignorance of this board is outstanding. The reference of inbreds is absolute garbage and pathetic chatter. Go get a life. My cousins were raised in TN and both of them have international jobs that are financially rewarding. I'm sure both of them make more money than ten of you morons put together. Oh they speak several languages and are not inbreds. Stop with the BS and nonsense because you make yourself sound like uneducated peons.
Okay there are outliers in every group. Congrats to your dork *** cousins. The MAJORITY of UTenn fans are retarded hilljacks. That’s a fact. The 2 Tennessee fans I know couldn’t be further apart. Ones an alumni rocket scientist who works for SpaceX. The other huffs gas and lives in a trailer he rents.
Silly message board arguments, as if half of UT fans haven’t called us ThugU for years despite never visited a city over 100k people in their life.

As someone from NY, living in NC I can say with 100% certainty there are dumbasses, smart people, thugs, rednecks and success stories everywhere. Get your shots in now because the U is gonna be back real soon.
Wait so a kid who said nothing more will come out 2 days ago and he is heading home to finalize everything is now trending at 2-3 schools but no one knows for sure….shocking.

But hey keep giving these *** hats clicks. For their “sources”

For the rational fan…sit back. Cross your fingers and let’s see what Mario has done. Because based on the last 2 weeks regardless of what happens this class will be special and the backbone of the future.
He's talking bout the class will be in the top 2 or 3. Bout to get wild.
The ignorance of this board is outstanding. The reference of inbreds is absolute garbage and pathetic chatter. Go get a life. My cousins were raised in TN and both of them have international jobs that are financially rewarding. I'm sure both of them make more money than ten of you morons put together. Oh they speak several languages and are not inbreds. Stop with the BS and nonsense because you make yourself sound like uneducated peons.
Fail Old Man GIF
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