2023 Five-Star IMG OL Francis Mauigoa... (Announcing July 4th at 3 pm EST COMMITS!!)

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Baby doll, you made your account two days ago. This is your first post, you didn’t celebrate anywhere, you aren’t a ”we”, and you didn’t suspect anything.
Was on grassy in 2001, have been on CIS under diff name, and now reside in The WEZ.

There‘s nothing I don’t know about UM my man.

hope the kid is ours but that Vol post seemed legit on the surface.

This bat signal could’ve been for Kinsler.

Was on grassy in 2001, have been on CIS under diff name, and now reside in The WEZ.

There‘s nothing I don’t know about UM my man.
I know your other name, couldn’t care less about the grassy call back. I don’t know why you wezzies think you need to self identify, as if we don’t know who you are. It’s like a tic.

If you know everything about UM then you wouldn’t be hanging out at 2am on a message board trying to scrape up info on a football player you already knew we weren’t gonna get.
Some Tenn fans are now saying there was a Tenn instagram live in the last hour where Francis joined for a little and a current player was also there and said Tenn is gonna be happy.

Has this been evidenced by the evidence? Should be easy to prove- is there an Instagram video with Mauigoa?
Everything that's need to be said has been said. You trying to get man to prove or disprove what Cribby said is only gonna drive you mad. I don't think there has been any back and forth. Just like the Lizards with Rashada, UT showed there hand and we topped it. Gaby got wind of it and was confident earlier in the week....7 confidence. This titanic back and forth sounds like a made up fiction to get clicks. Who is selling people that?
Has this been evidenced by the evidence? Should be easy to prove- is there an Instagram video with Mauigoa?
IG lives go away forever after they end unless the host chooses to do something with it or someone screen records it.
Tennessee fans do this a lot. I used to frequent their boards more often, and sometimes they’re correct (Tyler Byrd making a hand sign during an OV) and plenty of times they are dead wrong.
Completely forgot about Byrd. Just looked up his stats at Tennessee and looks like they moved him to WR where he did diddly squat In his career there.
What purpose does it serve to join some other teams message board 2 days before an announcement and then have the cojones to try to troll em as an “insider”? I get wanting the info and stalking in the background and therefore creating an account. But does anyone think that engaging with the other fan base will increase a chance to land the recruit in question? It serves as comedy in the meanwhile. It also reinforces the idea that we are on the up (and at a feverish pace too). Can’t wait to see these guys disappear in a few hours and some other fanbase jump in when it’s one of their target. Wash, rinse, repeat…that’s how we will know we are byke.
Methinks Heupel‘s been eating lard straight from the can.

That fūcker’s put on a shlt ton of weight in the last few years.

Hope by 4 PM tomorrow he’s crying into his tub of tallow ice cream.
Breathtaking how someone can completely let themselves go like that and transform into an unrecognizable B Rated SciFi monster.
****. We celebrated too early.

I always suspected that Cribby and other insiders were just saying Miami because they saw Ed Pata’s bat signal tweet (which could’ve been for Kinsler).
suck my dick middle finger GIF
What purpose does it serve to join some other teams message board 2 days before an announcement and then have the cojones to try to troll em as an “insider”? I get wanting the info and stalking in the background and therefore creating an account. But does anyone think that engaging with the other fan base will increase a chance to land the recruit in question? It serves as comedy in the meanwhile. It also reinforces the idea that we are on the up (and at a feverish pace too). Can’t wait to see these guys disappear in a few hours and some other fanbase jump in when it’s one of their target. Wash, rinse, repeat…that’s how we will know we are byke.
It’s very weird lol. Who got time for that? 😂
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