Figueroa destroying Duke (CanesAllAccess video added)

Gat ****!

He came a long way to make that hit too

If you look at the start of the play, it looks like he just appeared on the screen and tracked down Duke... Helluva play from a true freshman! Once Bond, Grace, (hopefully EJ), etc are on campus, we'll have legit competition at LB again!

Who's walking around in the Jason mask?


Lolz they took out the Morris speech where he was cursing

That's why they took it down the first time lol
I'm pretty sure Duke was the one wearing the Jason mask.

From the footage they showed we looked to play very fast and hard nosed. Looks like these kids grew up over the past year.
Better stop calling him Figs and start calling him the whole **** tree. He's gonna be a good one fo-sho! And **** Herb lol... I'm excited as **** about Herb.
Who's walking around in the Jason mask?


Lolz they took out the Morris speech where he was cursing

That's why they took it down the first time lol

Those DL drills look like Wing Chun (not that it is, but kind of cool)

Oh, and our defense with the most top plays was nice.
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DP52 is gonna cause some folks to head to the locker room early this year.

He hits like you ragged on his Grandma.
Chip Brierre > Peter Aziz?

Chip Brierre's full name is Roland Theodore Brierre the Fourth

Peter Ariz's full name is Peter Andrew Ariz. he is majoring in communication broadcast journalism. so i'm assuming young Ariz dreams of being the next Roland Theodore Brierre IV
I'm sure Chip is a nice kid and all but I had to fight the urge to punch my laptop's monitor when he was speaking to the camera.